Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Public Service Announcement


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
SE Oklahoma
Warning there have been reports of a all female juvenile gang peddling CDS (cookies and other delicious substances). Some tips for the public are 1) don't answer your door if you can only see the top of the person's head 2) drive past the entrance and exits to all stores as they've been know to congregate there 3) most important if you come across do not make eye contact or engage or you will end up poorer and fatter. 20230129_203826.jpg
My fat ass loves cookies, but I usually ask if I can just donate the money vs buying. Its win win. They make $20 instead of $2, and don't have to come back to my house, and I don't get any fatter.
Show off... Not everyone has your level of self control lol

They typically get me walking out of the grocery store at least once a year.
Sage advice, I wish I had it around 25 years ago. A friend and I were at a bar in Silverthorne, CO when two of these urchins tried to sell their cookies at the bar. The manager wouldn't let them in, but did borrow all of their cookies and then put them up for bid...one box at a time. Those young'ens did very well. I was forced to pay $20 for a box of Thin Mints. Come to think of it, those were the most enjoyable and memorable thin mints I have ever had. Ha.
My three daughters were all in scouts back in the day, both loved and hated this time o year! …..sigh, Samoa’s and a good cup of coffee🥲