Public land fire sale

Nice being a Democrat Operative, aye Ben. Tell them the sky is falling, and your comrades start running around with their hair on fire. Too easy!
I would disagree on what more protection would do for the Boulder-White Clouds, but I like that this thread provided an opportunity for you to post that fantastic photo again. :D
I don't have too many good enough to re-re-re-post, so I use what I got!
1 pointer great pic.

I clicked on it and then found myself cruising through all of your album. Ran across this pic:

Just to kind of sidetrack the entire thread.
Ha! I'll have to see if I still have the one from the same trip with him wearing my pants! He did get me upgraded to first class from MN to Saskatoon. 'Course being Moosie, he acted like my gay lover to convince the ticket agent that it was needed. :eek: Good times! Hard to believe that was over a decade ago...
What's sad is that you think this is about party.

I'm a GDI Ben. Never donated to either party. How about you? Trying to figure out which pile of dung stinks worse is not an exact science. Uninformed masses fall for half cocked BS spreaders, of both stripes. Your April fools joke worked to perfection. Are you, or are you not, affiliated with the Democrat Party, Ben?
I'm a GDI Ben. Never donated to either party. How about you? Trying to figure out which pile of dung stinks worse is not an exact science. Uninformed masses fall for half cocked BS spreaders, of both stripes. Your April fools joke worked to perfection. Are you, or are you not, affiliated with the Democrat Party, Ben?

I have to be able to work with both republicans and democrats in order to get bills passed or killed. I don't work for any party.

You are taking a joke a little too seriously bhr, maybe it hit too close to home for your Political sensitivities?
I enjoyed your joke Ben. The guy's that fell for it were entertaining and predictable. Your jab at the Ryan budget, after you spilled the beans was predictable. Country's facing some serious issue's in the years to come......agreed? We need some serious honest discussion by mature people if we hope to solve any of these problems. Fear mongering by partisans will solve nothing. Problem is fear mongering works as you have proven.
I enjoyed your joke Ben. The guy's that fell for it were entertaining and predictable. Your jab at the Ryan budget, after you spilled the beans was predictable. Country's facing some serious issue's in the years to come......agreed? We need some serious honest discussion by mature people if we hope to solve any of these problems. Fear mongering by partisans will solve nothing. Problem is fear mongering works as you have proven.

Agreed. The Ryan budget won't fix anything though, especially since he's counting on ACA tax benefits while calling for the repeal of ACA.

Bringing up the junior grade McCarthyism that you did into a joke doesn't really seem like you want to have an honest discussion about issues, but rather try and paint someone you disagree with regarding partisan politics as unworthy of belief.

If you want a mature, honest discussion of issues, I'm happy to oblige.
Just got the word from BHA: Congress, in a vote to move forward with a new Debt ceiling, just agreed to sell off 100 million acres of public land in an effort to pay down the National Debt.

Details are sketchy, but it sounds legit. I'm trying to track down details right now.

My how far we've come in a year. From April Fools joke to multiple state legislatures and the US Senate voting to do just that:mad:
Pull the wilderness bills then.

I tell you what, this chit is getting real old. I just listened to a bunch of wilderness advocates in Lander a few weeks ago railing on about how we need to "compromise" if want to get any new wilderness. If this is the type of "compromise" that is necessary to protect wilderness, then I dont want any new wilderness areas.

Selling equal amounts of public lands to get wilderness designated is not a "compromise" its a give-away of public lands.

I say to hell with it, let the wilderness bills die and lets keep our public lands.

What a crock of chit....
Hook, line, and sinker.
People need to understand.

Those of us who oppose the transfer/sale of public lands have to win every battle.

The opposition only has to win once.
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