Private land boundary off-report it?

Jul 27, 2015
Helena, MT
I was out hunting yesterday near Helena and checked out a new area. According to OnXMaps (phone and gps) there is a private in-holding that I made sure to swing around so as to not trespass. I found a trail not on the map that had been recently cleared so checking that I was still on public land, proceeded on it back towards the road. Although I didn't see any elk, the sign was great in the area. Following that trail, I came to the fence with a No Trespassing sign on it, which I was on the wrong side. I checked both my phone and gps and showed that this fence was at least 1/4 mile onto public land. I started thinking about the folks who may have come to this fence, seen the sign and went elsewhere thinking they would be trespassing. I'm considering doing some followup to find out if the private fence is in the wrong spot or if both my phone and gps are off. Thoughts?
Follow up. Check If it still seems wrong I'd contact the regional FS office. The data could be wrong and the landowner could be in the right.

I have seen something similar happen up Lump Gulch west of Clancy. A landowner of a public land-locked mine claim tried to fence off a ridge which he could not and accosted my brother for hiking it. The issue was resolved because those signs and fence weren't up there last time I went through.
Yes, report it. Often times those dissemenating the info/data don't know if it's off. I have the opposite problem here. Both the state and USFS have published maps showing my place as being public land. I have contacted them both when I've came across this in their maps and they seem glad to fix it. In my case, it appears to be a relict from early digitizing efforts from paper maps.

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