

Dec 23, 2000
When did hunting get so complicated? Remember sticking a knife, some boolits, and maybe a sandwich in your pockets and going hunting? I've got a one page, 3-column list of crap to gather up and stuff to do before departure. I may seriously need to consider a bigger hunting truck in the future to haul all of my crap.

Maybe it's just because I'm getting older and am enjoying the luxuries a bit more. I killed my first bull elk while hunting in 8" of fresh snow in sneakers. :D
I'm the same way. The older I get the more stuff I bring. Go figure.
You got that right sucks when you accidently grab the butt out tool and try to use it for a cough silencer.:eek:
Using your checklist on the trip, put a check mark beside each item every time you use it, or if used at all, and then see how much of that could be eliminated. It might vary from year to year or species to species or locale to locale, but odds are you could eliminate 40% of it and get along just as well.

You should see the crap I hauled to WY last year for antelope, and could have gotten by with my folding Case pocket knife and a roll of paper towels.
Maybe it's just because I'm getting older and am enjoying the luxuries a bit more. I killed my first bull elk while hunting in 8" of fresh snow in sneakers. :D

I'm guessing that you had a one-page list of gear to take the next time you went hunting, and at the TOP of the list was.....warm waterproof boots!!
Fri/Sat is shaping up for some good snow.

A 3 point was chasing a doe yesterday.

3rd season deer could be really fun!
Using your checklist on the trip, put a check mark beside each item every time you use it, or if used at all, and then see how much of that could be eliminated. It might vary from year to year or species to species or locale to locale, but odds are you could eliminate 40% of it and get along just as well.

You should see the crap I hauled to WY last year for antelope, and could have gotten by with my folding Case pocket knife and a roll of paper towels.

Already in the process of doing this. Brother and I were going crazy breaking down camp this year looking at the mountain of crap we hauled. What seems to happen to us, we have our lists and do real well until the 10th hour then start throwing in crap we MIGHT need or need for some nit who forgot his.
I am with you Oak, It feels like a am packing enough stuff for three people. O thats right I am, my wife and son stuff is all in my pack.. The pack just seems to be getting heavier but I blame that on old age!
Now that Oak is a high roller in a wall tent I predict a enclosed trailer just haul around the stuff. That is actually my dream, pack it once in August and be done with it.

Side note, driving out last Wednesday, I saw camps with satellite dishes hanging off the south side of the wall tents. No joke.
That is actually my dream, pack it once in August and be done with it.
That would be awesome.

Haha. You said sneakers. You are old.
I waffled. Wrote "tennis shoes," but figured people would think I meant shoes you play tennis in. "Tenner shoes," ala McManus? Made by Mr. Tenner himself? What do you kids call them these days?
Side note, driving out last Wednesday, I saw camps with satellite dishes hanging off the south side of the wall tents. No joke.

..and separate sleeping quarters for the sherpas?
It is amazing all the stuff we take hunting now. Some are improvements, such as better ( warmer and dryer ) clothes and boots. But a lot is just more stuff, rangefinder, cell phone, radios, gps, spare batteries, and the list goes on and on. It would be nice to travel light again, just gun, bullets, knife and something to eat. Sounds like a plan to me.
I am always guilty of packing to many extra clothes that I almost NEVER use. Seems like I always have to much food as well. Still can't hardly stuff everything into the back of a full size truck, barely got the rest of this in.

Turns out, old people are useful for something:D

I remember when fanny packs were the rage for hunting, and you could get everything you needed for a day of elk hunting in one. Now you only see people like Wyodeerhunter and Indian Larry wearing them around town.

The way I look at any hunt... if I can't get it in a backpack that I can easily carry I'm not taking it. Its unreal the amount of crap I've seen people pack/fly in.
I remember when fanny packs were the rage for hunting, and you could get everything you needed for a day of elk hunting in one. Now you only see people like Wyodeerhunter and Indian Larry wearing them around town.

That's funny. I made a reference to "fanny packs" this morning and my wife told me I was old. "Fanny pack is so 1980's. They are lumbar packs." :rolleyes::D

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