pre and post workout


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2012
Newhartford Iowa
I started my working out again. After my workout I always drink a protien shake. I also take a one a day vitamin every morning. Should I be doing more? I did buy a pre workout pill today to try.
My pre workout routine usually involves getting out of bed, taking a leak, and putting on my workout clothes.

Post workout is a Shakeology and a cup of coffee. The only time I do anything foodwise before workout is if I'm going for a long run.
I'm with JLS. I generally workout first thing in the morning. Nothing but water and my normal breakfast stuff and coffee afterward.
Whey protein is fast absorbing.

Casein (blends) protein is slow absorbing.

Costco sells both.

I you can drink a Whey protein at least 45 min before your workout, great.
Consume a Whey protein drink after your workout.

A couple Casein protein drinks during the day.

The only other supplement I would recommend is a pre-work energy mix containing creatine. There are many on the market. Also, the only one that Costco sells is a very good one.

What 'pill' are you taking?
Save your money for high quality protein.

Disregard my experiences/opinion if you are not wanting to get all you can from your workouts.
Post endurance recovery is generally best regarded as requiring a 4 to 1 ratio of carbs to protein to replenish glycogen stores, endurox or chocolate milk hit these ratios pretty well. Ideally consuming a few hundred calories of carbs within 30 minutes maximizes recovery.

Vitamins are a waste of money. Any additional nutrient needs are covered by increased food consumption due to exercise.

I would usually eat 3-4 hours before running where as cycling I can eat right before hand or during a ride. Nothing more than water if I ran first thing in the morning.
Good link JLS.

You will get some different opinions on this on some of the running forums with a decent group of folks who think that if you stress your body by doing long runs on an empty stomach your body will learn to convert fat to glycogen more efficiently to fuel your body.

There are lots of folks out there that think you need to take gels and have water stops for a 5k race too.

I think you don't need to take any gels or pre workout fueling for anything under 2 hours. If it is a long slow run you are probably good for 3 hours. Chocolate milk or just about any high carb snack is a good "reward" for me post workout. I've never taken any supplements or pills or anything like that.

Your body is an amazing machine, it is capable of much more than people give it credit for.

Starting out I would set out water bottles for a 6 mile run, last weekend I ran 14 without even taking a water bottle with me (it was pretty ideal conditions for running though).

I'm running 16 tomorrow and debating whether I want to haul a 8 oz squeeze bottle with me or not. My first 16 mile run a couple years back I pretty much had a full support team in tow the last 4 miles with fruit, gels, you name it.

I think to some extent it is more of a phycological issue more than a physical one.

My 2 cents. Probably not worth that much though. Nathan
Good link JLS.

You will get some different opinions on this on some of the running forums with a decent group of folks who think that if you stress your body by doing long runs on an empty stomach your body will learn to convert fat to glycogen more efficiently to fuel your body.

There are lots of folks out there that think you need to take gels and have water stops for a 5k race too.

I think you don't need to take any gels or pre workout fueling for anything under 2 hours. If it is a long slow run you are probably good for 3 hours. Chocolate milk or just about any high carb snack is a good "reward" for me post workout. I've never taken any supplements or pills or anything like that.

Your body is an amazing machine, it is capable of much more than people give it credit for.

Starting out I would set out water bottles for a 6 mile run, last weekend I ran 14 without even taking a water bottle with me (it was pretty ideal conditions for running though).

I'm running 16 tomorrow and debating whether I want to haul a 8 oz squeeze bottle with me or not. My first 16 mile run a couple years back I pretty much had a full support team in tow the last 4 miles with fruit, gels, you name it.

I think to some extent it is more of a phycological issue more than a physical one.

My 2 cents. Probably not worth that much though. Nathan

....... and the brain is the limiting factor.
If I run a 5k I usually have about 16 oz of water an hour ish before. If I know I want to do more than a 5k, I usually take a small bottle of water with me, 8oz or so and a handful of gummy bears. I'm not a distance runner but I can do 6 miles every other week or so. Usually keep it under 4 miles max if I want to run. But I'm more of a gonna go run for 40-50 mins.

My body allows me to do cardio in a am, but not weights. Just don't have the anger/energy in the morning. As far as supplements/pills etc. I usually get everything I need from my diet, but I will take some vitamin D pills if the weather has been crappy for a day or two just to help out.
Just to clarify my comments on hydration. I'm not suggesting that a beginner runner go out and try to run 14 miles without any water. Also depending on the conditions I might even haul some water on much shorter runs than that. Hot, sunny, windy conditions can suck the water out of you and you would be very wise to carry some water with you in those conditions.

Just finished updating my running log and I ended up with 226.5 miles in January. That averages out to 7.3 miles per day. I did carry water with me on one of those runs, a 12.74 mile trail run in Arizona in 60 degree weather that took me a little over 2 1/2 hours. I carried 8 oz with me and drank the last few ounces as I was getting back to the trailhead. I then proceeded to drink a 2 liter bottle of water once I got back to the car. I didn't do anything to fuel for any of those runs either pre or post run other than my normal diet.
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The protien I use is a six star pro nutrition product. According to kristi titus article in western hunter magazine, it has the right ingredients for a good protien powder. The preworkout pills I got are also six star nutrition. They are creatine pills. The research I did on creatine told me that creatine is an energy that the muscle produces to enhance the workout. Its only a supplement. The vitamins and creatine are only to get me started since my diet hasnot been very good for alot of years. I have been changing my ways so hopefully the supplements wont be needed for long.
I run a mile each year to make sure I'm in shape. Last year was 6minute 10 seconds in work boots and blue jeans:). I think I could sell tickets neighbors are amazed. I do drink whey shakes.
Ran 16.45 miles today. Pre workout I ate at McDonalds, 2 jalepeno double cheeseburgers, 1 buffalo mcchicken and a hot fudge sundae for desert. Took an 8 oz water bottle with me on the run but didn't drink anything until I got back to the truck. Then drank a 1 liter bottle of water plus the 8 oz bottle I had been carrying with me. Post workout so far I've eaten 4 chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk. Have a whole super bowl spread ahead of me before the night is over though!
That's a run. What makes you want to run so far. I could hang with you on the pre run work out:)
I couldn't run 1 mile in 6:10 though. Was supposed to do this run at an 8:30 pace but was feeling good and ended up averaging 8:22 pace. 2 hours 17 minutes and 35 seconds. I'm training to try to run a 1:38:15 half marathon (7:29 avg pace) and a 50K trail race in April.
Don't eat much before I work out. Maybe an orange and a couple ounces of water. I prefer only water on most long runs.

After, I try and take in protein/carbs within 30 minute after I am done. Smoothies, eggs, or my favorite is chocolate milk.

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