prairie dog???


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Too close to Idaho
I saw a bunch on BLM land up by the breaks last week and was wondering if they are protected. Does anyone know what the scoop is on shooting them?
I don't think you can shoot them on the CMR but I don't know about BLM. I haven't seen any prohibitions but you would want to check with someone more knowledgeable than myself. Sounds like a ton of fun.
If memory serves hunting PD's on the CMR is not allowed due to the reintroduction of the Ferrets. There are alot of PD towns closer than that to you.

No pdog shooting on CMR....not ferret related.

Open season on BLM. There used to be a closed season on BLM lands prior pup emergence, but I think that sunsetted several years ago. The 40-Complex (10 or 12 towns), south of Malta, was closed to shooting for ferret reintroduction when I was working over there. Not sure on the current status.
I'd rather watch paint dry than shoot a prairie dog...boring.

Ya know, for some reason, the thought of you sitting around staring at a wall for hours actually fits my mental image of you. :p:D

Just kiddin buzz
I'd rather watch paint dry than shoot a prairie dog...boring.

I am in the same boat. In my 13 years in MT I have only shot a handful. Of course I did spend two summers being paid to shoot pdogs in SD before I moved here.:D Guess I got past it. Not against anyone that wants to do it, just my thing any more.
I'm serious, no sport in it and no reason for me to kill them. I dont own cattle or horses and dont care either way if a horse or cow breaks a leg in a hole or not.

I went with a friend about 5 years ago...I took my 22-250. We found a huge town of them and I got my rifle out shot 5 shots from 120-275 yards, never missed a shot.

I put my rifle away, and frankly I shot 5 too many times.

My buddy had a great time though, shot a bunch of them.

I shake my head during antelope season when out-of-staters shoot the first dink antelope they see so they can spend the next 3-4 days shooting prairie dogs.

Things were different when I was 12 though...I killed a ton of them, got my fill then I guess.
I am in the same boat. In my 13 years in MT I have only shot a handful. Of course I did spend two summers being paid to shoot pdogs in SD before I moved here.:D Guess I got past it. Not against anyone that wants to do it, just my thing any more.

I can't lay waste anymore either. Too many bad karma points from my younger days....too many indiscriminantly murdered critters waiting for me in my own little hell. Funny, how blasting a blue grouse from flight doesn't bother me much though. I can justify it because I'm gonna eat it. Situational morality and ethics......
I think 10-12 year old kids have a reason to kill prairie teaches them marksmenship, shot placement, stalking skills, etc. etc.

I just dont get the big kids that never seem to grow up...
I'd rather fight the Montana legislature, than shoot prairie dogs. Ah, OK, that's a lie, I'd rather pleasure myself with 100 grit sand paper than kill doggies. OK that's a lie too. I guess what Buzz said!
Ahh crap I'm still a little kid:D Didn't get all that young time hunting that you guys did though. I haven't shot many the last couple years because the P town got some sort of disease and took care of them. They sure made a mess of a big chunk of land. Looking on Google earth it looks like the moon where they lived.

100 grit. Man your sick
I got my rifle out shot 5 shots from 120-275 yards, never missed a shot

The fun for me in shooting prairie dogs is only trying for shots that are difficult to make. Once you get out to 300 and beyond it gets fun. It's also great real time practice. If you aren't missing quite often, you're taking shots that are too easy.
I must be one of those big kids that never grow up because I get a kick out of shooting the varmints. I've hit 2 with one shot but I'd love to get three of those suckers with one that would be some shooting.
I'd rather fight the Montana legislature, than shoot prairie dogs. Ah, OK, that's a lie, I'd rather pleasure myself with 100 grit sand paper than kill doggies. OK that's a lie too. I guess what Buzz said!

Legislature will end soon enough, so those of you who reside in the Bitterroot better get to Hardware Hank and pick up 100 grit paper before it gets mighty scarce......
I must be one of those big kids that never grow up because I get a kick out of shooting the varmints. I've hit 2 with one shot but I'd love to get three of those suckers with one that would be some shooting.

I'm with you...great times when the dumb little pups are standing by mom & dad near the hole. Exploding prarie dogs are good clean fun. :)

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