Post-hunt Rituals


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2016
It has been interesting to me as I read about hunting in different cultures that there is always a post-hunt ritual that in some way honors and revere's the animal and the hunt: letzebissen, blooding, skulls in trees.

Are there any traditions that you still maintain and do you know their origins?
Eat the heart.
That’s a good one, I do the same thing. Does your heart/excitement sink a little bit when you open the chest cavity any find out you destroyed the heart?

I also try to take pictures of something in the area that reminds me of the hunt not just the animal. Sunrise, a single burnt tree trunk, a rock outcropping, a stream.
That’s a good one, I do the same thing. Does your heart/excitement sink a little bit when you open the chest cavity any find out you destroyed the heart?

I also try to take pictures of something in the area that reminds me of the hunt not just the animal. Sunrise, a single burnt tree trunk, a rock outcropping, a stream.
I aim for lung, its more forgiving up there!
Big game - we always strip some thin steak cuts and cook over the campfire. I'd like to think we keep our high octane liquid stash for a campfire toast though it sneaks out regardless... 🙄

I like the duck/geese heart dog victory feed.
I suppose it occurs a few days after the success, but the folks who taught me to butcher animals would block out a day when butchering time came, and while doing so would just drink strong and expensive beers and cut critters up and get pretty drunk by the time all was said and done. God it was fun. These were folks who chiefly got their animals out whole, and still do. Even elk. I spent many days over the years participating in this way of doing things. It was sort of a ritual of celebration that necessarily followed a successful hunt.

I am too busy and interested in staying married to spend a whole day getting drunk cutting up animals anymore. But I still like to make sure I have a six pack of something bitter and powerful when the evening for cutting comes. There is something heartwarming about a hand covered in blood wrapped around the dark glass of a beer bottle.

my post on the "petting your trophy " thread is one example. i.e. polar bear

we have several rituals that are designed to appease and give thanks to the spirit of the animal, whether, in the sea or on land. If we appease the spirit of the dead animal, another animal will make itself available to us, when we need food and clothing.

A couple of examples : The handle of the knife we use to kill a whale must be wrapped in seal skin, not caribou skin or Sedna will be angry and not provide any more whales or seals to us. After killing a seal, Sedna will be upset if we dont melt some snow and put it in the dead seals mouth to quench the thirst of the dead seals spirit

You asked :)
It has been interesting to me as I read about hunting in different cultures that there is always a post-hunt ritual that in some way honors and revere's the animal and the hunt: letzebissen, blooding, skulls in trees.

Are there any traditions that you still maintain and do you know their origins?

Usually looking off towards the trailhead miles away and muttering "aw, shit.."

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