Post #10, guess Ill say hello


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2022
Im “new” here. Was mainly on rokslide, they decided Im not their cup of tea apparently. I just like hunting, fishing, and the outdoors so here I am. At least this site seems to have a better sense of humor.


I live behind enemy lines in the third world of commiefornia and find it funny when people who dont live here say they dont like people from here. If they only knew…

Favorites are mule deer hunting deep in the high country, and lingcod fishing.

See y’all around.
Thanks @Scott85 My name is also Scott, born in that year too. Oh the irony of you being first to say hello haha. Appreciate the welcome.
Thanks Iowa’s! I also enjoy hunting for pheasants, grouse, ducks, n geese in sodak where my family is originally from.
@Moserkr what part of California are you in?
Northern CA, in the sierras near tahoe. I hunt all over the US though. Lived in MT for a bit and loved it, just not a lot of money to be made with my skills. Grew up in socal but born in midwest. I can blend in to a lot of places and fit in nowhere haha.