NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Possible explanation for high Rona death rates in NY

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A SGT and nurse with documented video and exposure to both unsuccessful and successful treatments. Solid intel if you ask me.
Its not enough to post bullshit conspiracies saying we are pushing tubes in the field because we want hospitals to increase revenue. It goes on to elude that we cant recognize the difference between anxiety verses life threatening dyspnea and hypoxia. Do you even have clue as to the amount risk I put myself and my crew when I perform an intubation on possible covid positive patient during emergency in the field? I suspect that if you did you wouldnt care anyway. Your not only ignorant your insulting.
I do have a clue, I'm briefed by FEMA doctors on a weekly basis. There is no problem of Covid spreading to ambulatory staff.
Ironic that this back and forth is taking place in the "a place for friends" forum.

Just in case I get purged for presenting different data than the vocal left, I'd like to say I have the utmost respect and admiration for Randy. How he falls on a political issue would never cloud my judgment of the man. It's called tolerance and is usually displayed after someone has gained your respect. If he wants the voices on his forum to represent the Mainstream media, then that’s how it goes.

Not so easy for the rest of us on a public board in the current climate. I will end with 20k gun advocates marched on VA without a single incident. When the left can accomplish the same, respect will be earned.

Peace and chcken grease homies

Just in case I get purged for presenting different data than the vocal left, I'd like to say I have the utmost respect and admiration for Randy. How he falls on a political issue would never cloud my judgment of the man. It's called tolerance and is usually displayed after someone has gained your respect. If he wants the voices on his forum to represent the Mainstream media, then that’s how it goes.

Not so easy for the rest of us on a public board in the current climate. I will end with 20k gun advocates marched on VA without a single incident. When the left can accomplish the same, respect will be earned.

Peace and chcken grease homies

You hit the trifecta. Conspiracy theorys, media bias and right vs left tribalism. Good job, now your mission and real reason for making the post is fulfilled. Good job.
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