Caribou Gear

Police: Teen dies after boys shoot at each other while wearing body armor

Possibly. A gun was unsecured. What if a toddler got it? Would they understand? A 5 year old? 7 year old?

I didn't say the kids shouldn't be held responsible, along with the adult that allowed them access to the gun.

And, no. I doubt these kids searched out a bullet proof vest and gun to play this game. They were likely bored and a gun and body armor was available for entertainment.

If you own a gun, you are responsible for who gets ahold of it. Lock it up. Or educate the kids you are going to give access to it if you think that's enough.

Your gun, your responsibility.
Their PARENTS allowed them access when they turned them loose unsupervised on the public.
I wish I could understand the logic behind wanting unlimited, unregulated and undocumented access to any gun imaginable along with the unwillingness to take responsibility for said guns.

Rights come with responsibilities.

As for what a 16 and 17 year oldcare capable of understandings, of course they are, but their brains are immature and their ability to evaluate risk isn't fully developed.

Our legal system gives people until 18 to mess up with less consequences.

It protects society and children by limiting access to certain things until certain ages.

Just like the adults who supply minors with alcohol, those that supply children with guns should have some culpability in the outcome.
If adults GAVE it to them and turned them loose, YES. If those morons stole it, or took it with out knowledge or permission of the owner, then no. Then the owner of the dangerous child should be held responsible for any thing they do while roaming loose and unrestrained.
The more boys you group together, the more the cumulative IQ goes down. Proven over and over again.
My father always said, "If you have one boy helping, you have one boy. If you have two boys helping, you have half a boy. If you get three boys helping you, you don't have any help at all."

I'm done now. Caught up.

Jack out.
Pics or it didn’t happen…..
@Greenhorn has pics of yoga woman in the middle of the Spanish Peaks Wilderness so I am sure he has pics of hunter’s ed instructor.

As an aside and closer to the topic of this thread, I was sitting in on a demonstration of early Kevlar body armor a long, long time ago. The factory rep shot the armor with a variety of handguns and a 12 gauge loaded with a slug. None penetrated but I suspect that just the blunt force trauma from the 12 gauge slug impact would have been lethal. I asked the rep what a broadhead would do to it. He didn’t know. I just so happened to have my bow in my truck so he invited me to try a shot. The arrow went through slicker than snot.

BTW - I was just checking out this thread to find out who dirthog “was.”
LOL I had no choice buut done did that. I was in the Army in the MPs at Ft Benning and we had to train on them which included using them on each other. Tazers were just coming common back then. Hurt like a somebeach, something I am not eager to try again.
Will be tazed rather than oc sprayed again. Tazing 5 seconds and done . OC spray 8 hours of hell and when shower gravity takes over.
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