Caribou Gear Tarp

Pleasures when driving

Some of my best runs on dirt. Roads was in 73 and Korea. one weekend. My Company commander & captain of my unit. Ask me to drive Jeep to take
them on a fact-finding mission to see where ther they're gonna take the battalion for a Bivouac week in the hills.
The mosoons had just ended and the 3 of us took off for the hills. I see lots of mud in the forecast. Sure enough I'm driving the side on a mountain with a 500' drop off my right side down to rice paddies. The jeep started sliding backwards towards the edge. I was very sturn; told the captain to get out and take that 20' toe chain and put it long ways on the inside track on my side so my wheels have something to grab. Mud was deep but it did the trick. Company Co padded me on the back and said good save..
1st part of the week it got very hot quick. Roads turned into dust bowls. I was assigned to drive Co.C C Platoon. Were heading out and were back about 70 vehicles. I looked over the Captain riding next to me and said; I'm not doing this. I pulled out of line and started passing everyone. They were eating my dust. When I passed the Company commander, I didn't even look over at him, don't think the captain did either. We were waiting at the bivouac location I explore weekend before.
I sat at my deuce.5 and waited. The Company Co comes up to me asks, what the he'll I thought I was doing? He was not happy. I looked at him , Sir. I'm driving grunts for there training so I figured if we were attacked I would like to know what I can do with this truck and the men in it. So I took it upon myself to pull as impromptude maneuver.
His reply was also. Ya I get that, but you didn't have to dust me like you did.
I received lots of awesome assignments after that.
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The roads are fine for a few miles, then the subdivisions.
Road was graded yesterday. Bet it needs to be done again by the weekend.
New folks flying 50...see a ditch,as I drive by and wave.

I pass them going 50 on the hwy.

Some rain/snow for a couple days will help the grader.
It's funny when we bought our house everyone said being on a gravel road takes away from its value. Added value to me less people. Grew up on a gravel road so I guess I dont know any better...

What your house loses in value you more than make up for in not needing to have kidney stones removed.
Put a Jimmy Martin CD in, a good chew and driving old dirt roads will let the stress melt right off. Not everyone getd it. Some of y'all don't even like Jimmy Martin.