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Please Pray for us


New member
Sep 23, 2003
Long Beach, MS.
Were in it again it seems and this time it is looking worse for us possibly. Say many prayers for us as we could be in harms way again of yet another major hurricane. We are very, very close (and on the worse side to boot (NE) ) to the projected possible impact of Katina. They still are not sure exactly where it is going to impact land and just a few miles one way or another can be very important, so say prayers for me and my family and all who will be in harms way. For our own selfish reasons we need this storm to keep on trucking west some more and go in a decent ways west of New Orleans or to turn right away and go in east of us a ways. Right now it is projected to go in just a few miles to the west of us and that is going to be very, very, very bad. The NWS is forcasting a chance for Katrina to strengthen to a possible Cat 5 right before landfall and a hurricane that is strengthening is the most dangerous and the most damaging. This little town I live in got hit dead on by Camille, they don't need another disaster like that in their lifetime. So pray for all who will be effective and say an extra one for my family and me and our home and properties. There is power in prayer so with ya'll praying for us ernestly, I am expecting God to get us through this without injury or damage. Thanks Ya'll, God Bless.

get out and buy gas and supplies now!
Some stations are already out in pensacola and reg and mid grade are gone here in Gulf Shores, Alabama.

this storm prep stuff is starting to get easier because it seems like we do it all too often now.

Good luck to all
Don't forget.. my old signature was " Bad Ass Hurricane Warrior.."

Buckle down, lock down & dig in... Or get the "F" OUT!!!!

Buddy, there just ain't no in betweens! Just decide NOW and do it!!!

Lots of prayers for ya.
He's headed out. We won't hear from him for a while. 180 mph winds hit right where his house and town is soon. He's worried the whole town will be destroyed, let alone all of his families stuff. 180, category 5.
Wow, we are 80 miles or so east of there and the waves are already as big as I have ever seen here. They washed over the dunes a few hours ago and water is across the road between my house and the bridge off the island
With the storm that far from land and waves this big we will have some serious water by tomorror when it arrives in Miss.

Later guys, its time to pack our house and drive

Hopefully you wont see a purple hoouse in mobile bay on the news monday night, That would sure suck.

Take care and DRIVE SJ
and of course Gods Speed ;)
sending prayers from illinois. i've been watching the hurricane report on the weather channel. hope thiongs turn out alright for yas.
I just heard a fishing tournament is on hold in Galveston,TX. Boats were forced off the water here in Texas, because of that 180mph hurricane way over there. That is one big bad storm. Its got hurricane force winds, over 100 miles from its eye.
"A storm surge of 20 to 25 feet or more is possible along and to the east of Katrina's landfall point Monday. On top of the water rise, pounding waves of 20 to 40 feet will produce catastrophic damage at coastal locations. "

That's big waves for sure.
SJ is ok.

A guy got through to SJ, he's ok too.
got in touch with sj

finallly my email got through!!!!!!!!!!! jim and donna are o.k. their house has been sparred even though everything else around them has been completely destroyed! and who said prayer doesn't work!!!!!! jim said to post and let ya'll know he said thanks for the prayers! they are in alabama right now gathering gas so they can get home and out again if need be!!!! he said it would be a while to get things up and running his business and home life are going to take some time to get going again!!!! if i can figure out how i'll post his email. thank god they are alive and have the chance to rebuild!!!!
Yup! Nothing beats the power of prayer! Great news! Tell him we wish him and his family all the best.
Caribou Gear

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