Planet of Humans


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2016
North TX
This is a Michael Moore documentary on green energy. I'll admit that I'm not the biggest MM fan. But this piece seems very honest. Who knew that bio-fuel meant deforestation? Could have big impacts on hunters down the road. I think it will be worth your time

I heat my home with bio fuel. Its renewable and carbon neutral. It's called firewood. Not sure what fossil fuel Michael Moore uses to heat his home or homes?
I heat my home with firewood as well. This documentary basically shows the hypocrisy of the green energy movement. Al Gore, The Sierra Club, and almost all the other "green" leaders are only in it for the money. They actually cause more damage to the planet by going "green". I'm truly surprised that Michael Moore put it out. It seems to go against his political views. Or what I thought were his views. Very enlightening and scary. Another in a long line of examples of the public being sold down the river by the politically connected.
The Moore documentary has been discussed to some degree here already.
The green energy zealots are not happy with this documentary no doubt. I wouldn't say all green energy companies are just in it for the money however. Here's a bio engery example that makes sense in some areas in the west. Biggest problem is that it can't compete economically with calorie dense fossil fuels, especially oil, natural gas, and coal now at their current depressed prices.

Here is an example of growing biomass that serves multiple purposes, not just for energy. Saw mill residues are another example.

Moore should do a documentary on solutions to problems, not more of his leftist koolaid.
The Moore documentary has been discussed to some degree here already.
The green energy zealots are not happy with this documentary no doubt. I wouldn't say all green energy companies are just in it for the money however. Here's a bio engery example that makes sense in some areas in the west. Biggest problem is that it can't compete economically with calorie dense fossil fuels, especially oil, natural gas, and coal now at their current depressed prices.

Here is an example of growing biomass that serves multiple purposes, not just for energy. Saw mill residues are another example.

Moore should do a documentary on solutions to problems, not more of his leftist koolaid.

OK, thanks. I hadn't seen the other thread. I said almost all green leaders. The main ones that are leading the cause, anyway.
Interesting video on the wood waste. Wonder if it is a net positive environmentally. Considering all the time and fuel used to gather, ship, and to convert the scraps into a usable fuel source.
OK, thanks. I hadn't seen the other thread. I said almost all green leaders. The main ones that are leading the cause, anyway.
Interesting video on the wood waste. Wonder if it is a net positive environmentally. Considering all the time and fuel used to gather, ship, and to convert the scraps into a usable fuel source.
Biggest net positive would be a reduction in forest fire severity IMO. Shipping bulky low value items like biomass is cost prohibitive. If it is locally sourced and locally utilized it could make sense.
These are large corporations. Why would they actually care about anything other than making money?

Thanks for the link. Will watch it tonight, hopefully.

Tough to do bio-mass on the plains. Good place for residential solar and wind though. ;)
These are large corporations. Why would they actually care about anything other than making money?

Thanks for the link. Will watch it tonight, hopefully.

Tough to do bio-mass on the plains. Good place for residential solar and wind though. ;)
Old school plains pioneers used biomass energy in the days before Chinese solar panels, Ben. ;)
These are large corporations. Why would they actually care about anything other than making money?

Thanks for the link. Will watch it tonight, hopefully.

Tough to do bio-mass on the plains. Good place for residential solar and wind though. ;)
I guess I had just assumed that green movement was a a little overzealous but figured they had the best interest of the environment at heart. That does not appear to be the least for the ones that have the most influence and make policy.
The big money power players in the green energy movement like Gore, Bloomberg, and Steyer see it more as a way to control the masses then anything else.

Bill Gates said screw it, I'm buying me some ocean front property right now!

The big money power players in the green energy movement like Gore, Bloomberg, and Steyer see it more as a way to control the masses then anything else.

Bill Gates said screw it, I'm buying me some ocean front property right now!

Vaccine must be getting close to ready;)
Didnt watch the video but read things yrs back about how un green the making of solar panels is lots of chemicals and Im sure china is very responsible with disposing of them

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