Pig killing day

Those knives look so experienced that they could do the job by themselves.

Many fine meals in ya'lls future
I heard the acorns are good right now down in southern Oklahoma. I'll be down there in mid-January to hunt some feral swine. Hopefully they'll be nice and fat!
Will, are you and/or how are you going to cure bacon and hams?
Yes sir gave one to my buddy for helping and the other is in a wet cute now and will be Christmas dinner. The ham cure consists of 2 liters of water , 3/4cup kosher salt, 1cup brown sugar, 1/4cup molasses, 1/4tsp ground cloves, and 1tbs pink curing salt. Needs to cure at least 1 day for every 2 pounds I prefer 1 day for every pound. Also needs to soak in cold water for 24 hours at the end of curing. Plan on pulling mine out on Christmas eve smoking it to 150F then my wife will re heat and glaze on Christmas day.Took 8 liters of the mix to cover this ham I use a cheap igloo cooler that fits in a fridge to cure the ham. I have a fridge on the back patio by the pool we use for drinks in the summer after I close the pool in the fall I use it for my curing space.20191110_132830.jpg20191110_140135.jpg
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For bacon I cut them into 3 pound pieces rub them in maple syrup the apply a rub. The rub is 3tbs kosher salt, 1/3 cup brown sugar, 2tbs pepper (more if you like pepper bacon), 2tsp paprika, 1tsp pink curing salt. Place in a Tupperware container and turn once a day for 7 days then rinse off pat dry and set on rack in fridge for a day to dry. Smoke at 200F-225F till the bacon reaches an internal temperature of 150F.20191110_132733.jpg
All that talk of cured and smoked bacon and ham sure does make me miss my grandpa Wilson. He worked as butcher during the winter to supplement farm income and also raised his own hogs. Had an old time slow smoke/cure house and always a pile of hickory. I'd give a 100 bucks for a slice of one of his sugar cured hams! Lookin good WildWill

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