Phonescope Alternative?


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2016
Im not real interested in spending $80+ on a setup, so other tha DIY are there options anyone uses? My universal is no good.
I just made my diy phonescope mount today!!
Plastic pipe 2in end cap. $6 bucks
Bought extra hard phone case. Think $5 bucks
Drilled hole in end cap. Glued case to end cap.
Cap slides over eye piece on spotting scope.

Bam! Way, way cheaper route and cap is super sturdy, not filmsy.
I did like jdf, old scope cap that fit over eye piece, drilled hole in outbox belt case I never used and a small piece of bungee for tension, Little jb weld and small screws works great. Been using for 2 years now couldn't be happier it doubles as my solo camera stand.

A kit for my phone and spotting scope can be had for about 50 bucks. Or, you can "Bitterroot Engineer" one. mtmuley
I just made my diy phonescope mount today!!
Plastic pipe 2in end cap. $6 bucks
Bought extra hard phone case. Think $5 bucks
Drilled hole in end cap. Glued case to end cap.
Cap slides over eye piece on spotting scope.

Bam! Way, way cheaper route and cap is super sturdy, not filmsy.

I did this too. Worked fine and when I change phones, it is cheap to replace.
Ive tried before a diy method, thats why i went universal. I went into sportsmans and just played with a phonescope for a bit and was really impressed. It is far overpriced for a piece of plastic, but it works really well.
I've been researching these online and in posts for awhile. Here is what I came up with for mine. I used some thin gauge aluminum that I was able to cut and bend. I had an old hard rubber sump pump pipe that was an exact match for my spotter(Redfield). From there I was able to epoxy the pipe onto the aluminum. I coated with plasticoat spray paint and put some clear coat over the top. I'm no western hunter, and I did this mainly for my small children to see easily when we use the spotter for fun. It's made to fit my iPhone 6. It's definitely not super pretty, but so far its functional, and for the amount of times I'm going to actually use it, it will pay for itself...

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