Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Perfect Combination!

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
So as many of you know this past weekend was the opener for antelope rifle season in Montana. I told my partner before I left to come out to his place to hunt that I was more interested in coyote hunting than antelope hunting. I made it clear that I would basically shoot the first buck that was 12" or better just to fill the freezer, and I would not be holding out for a trophy. The plan was to get the antelope out of the way and in the freezer, so we could do what we both enjoy more, and hunt coyotes.

I arrived about midday on Friday. We spent our time making coyote stands and doing a little scouting for antelope. We saw plenty of antelope including a pretty decent buck or two. What we really enjoyed though was some success on coyotes. While there are only 3 in this photo we killed two other coyotes that day that dove into deep thorn brush ravines. Neither of us felt motivated enough to dive in after them. If it were a tournament or the fur was worth a lot of money we may have had a different attitude, but it was neither so those coyotes were left to their brushy thorn covered graves. I was also able to let the air out of a large badger as weel that was between 350-360 yards. I hit him dead center and he was tore up really bad. Unfortunately he had just enough energy to crawl ten feet and go down his hole making him impossible to reach. That really bummed me out as I really, really wanted that bugger.

Later that evening just before dark we watched a herd of antelope bed down for the night that had a pretty decent 15" buck. The next morning we were right there at first light. It took a while to locate the herd as they had moved quite a ways. Unfortunately they had moved to a very difficult area for a stalk and it would be even more difficult to retrieve if I did kill it. We decided to move on and find another buck, knowing that we could always come back and check on these antelope later. Shortly after leaving we saw a very small buck and a doe. While I was trophy hunting I couldn't bring myself to shooting a 8" buck. Less than 10 minutes later we happened upon a large herd of antelope and I picked the biggest one out of the 3 bucks in the herd, and killed it with my 6.5 Creedmoor. By 8:15am the buck was loaded. I was happy camper to have that part of the hunt out of the way. Granted he is one of the smallest bucks I've ever shot, but he fit the bill perfectly for table fare and filling freezer space. I look forward to enjoying this buck on the dinner table. :)

The next day we just coyote hunted and had a great time. Of all the coyotes we called in only two got away. They both back doored us and caught us off guard. Although not everything is pictured we ended the hunt with 10 coyotes shot, 1 badger shot, and a perfect antelope buck. More important than calling coyotes, hunting antelope, or spending time outdoors, the time spent with a good friend and his family topped everything. I've been very blessed to know some outstanding people in my life Earlybird (Cory) and his family are right at the top of that list. Thanks again Earlybird.

Three more coyotes from opening day.
Troy,your transitioning well from fishing to coyote calling. Oh yeah, and some antelope along the way.
JCS, not much of a transition. I coyote hunt all the time, but just prefer to back off a little in the summer and fish instead. The main reason is I HATE dealing with rattle snakes in the summer!!!
FishN4Eyes, trust me, between me and a number of my friends we put a hurt on the coyotes in that area. Trouble is, it seems like we can never get ahead of them.
One thing I forgot to mention (and I shouldn't have) is I got to try something new on this hunt. I've been looking for a really good new binocular harness case for both my 10x42 binos and my Gunwerks G7 rangefinder. I got this new case from Alaska Guide Creations. It absolutely kicks butt and fits both the binos and rangefinder perfectly. Plus it has a bunch of extra room for things like hand calls, caller remotes, coyote drags, and a knife. I likey this case a LOT!!!
FishN4Eyes, trust me, between me and a number of my friends we put a hurt on the coyotes in that area. Trouble is, it seems like we can never get ahead of them.

I hear you.

I was up there for a week two weeks ago and we shot 9.

Went back up Tuesday afternoon and yesterday morning and it was like we were never there. Shot two more and saw several others. I feel like I'm not even making a dent in the population.

Shoot some and more move in.

On the bright side I saved a calf elk that was surrounded by three of them yesterday. Only one left out of those three buggers.
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