Paula Deen....from Giznoogle

Who wrote that, a 12 y/o trying to impress everyone else with a lack of vocabulary.

:eek: Sigh,,,,My guess is a 40 year old white guy trying to be gangsta wrote the translation program.
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No doubt, look at how he defends [ his son]Travon Martin and took the side of the black professor against the cop just doing his job.

To summarize, it's Obama's fault. I guess the pendulum swings both ways.;)

I don't see the baker/president correlation....then again I am not very sharp.
I'll refrain from trying to explain what's happening in this situation, since a) I'll get slammed for being a racist, and b) I'll get banned from the site. I will say that since I live in the same general area as Paula, and am pretty familiar with the local story and news coverage, there are black people who are as outraged over this and the way she's been portrayed as there are whites.
My only thought, she was asked if she had EVER used the N word. Never specified if it was niggar or Negro. Can anyone on this forum say they never used the N word. Hell. I am 60 and Negro was the preferred word. Now, your are racist.

Do not have any feeling toward Paula Deen. She was making money doing her thing.
I do think she got a raw deal.

Percption of racism, without facts, is wrong.

Just my thoughts,
I prefer Giada...I guess I just prefer Italian cuisine over southern.


I don't know who this is but I bet I can guess why she is famous.
If it were just the fact she said something wrong I don't think Target, Wal-mart, etc would have been pulling her books and cookware off the shelves. There are also some strong allegations with her and her brother with their restaurant. Then you consider she has diabetes and shouldn't be eating the stuff she is selling and promoting. Then there is an over-all push for healthier living with more exercise (and some states even banning large soft drinks). The biggest-loser being one of the top rated tv programs and the first lady pushing health and wellness. In fact most businesses are focusing on healthcare insurance and cutting costs through wellness. Take all that into account and you can see why her tv program is being cut and her products are being pulled.
If it were just the fact she said something wrong I don't think Target, Wal-mart, etc would have been pulling her books and cookware off the shelves. There are also some strong allegations with her and her brother with their restaurant. Then you consider she has diabetes and shouldn't be eating the stuff she is selling and promoting. Then there is an over-all push for healthier living with more exercise (and some states even banning large soft drinks). The biggest-loser being one of the top rated tv programs and the first lady pushing health and wellness. In fact most businesses are focusing on healthcare insurance and cutting costs through wellness. Take all that into account and you can see why her tv program is being cut and her products are being pulled.

Do you really believe the products that she once endorsed are going to be pulled by their makers because of some sense of the greater good? Her loss of these endorsement deals has absolutely nothing to do with The biggest loser,the first Lady, healthcare insurance or diabetes.She has lost these deals because those who she had them with have made the determination that she has become a liability to them and the marketing of there products nothing more IMO.
If it were just the fact she said something wrong I don't think Target, Wal-mart, etc would have been pulling her books and cookware off the shelves. There are also some strong allegations with her and her brother with their restaurant. Then you consider she has diabetes and shouldn't be eating the stuff she is selling and promoting. Then there is an over-all push for healthier living with more exercise (and some states even banning large soft drinks). The biggest-loser being one of the top rated tv programs and the first lady pushing health and wellness. In fact most businesses are focusing on healthcare insurance and cutting costs through wellness. Take all that into account and you can see why her tv program is being cut and her products are being pulled.

Did Target and Wal-Mart take the oreos off the shelves? If they did I might buy what you are selling.
To summarize, it's Obama's fault. I guess the pendulum swings both ways.;)

I don't see the baker/president correlation....then again I am not very sharp.

Yes, he has "some" blame... He defends blacks without seeing all the evidence.[ thats racist]. Travon/Professor etc,.. I agree your not very sharp:D.. you need to spend a few days in Da,hood.:)
I'll refrain from trying to explain what's happening in this situation,

You had me at refrain. thanks man....:D

Yes, he has "some" blame... He defends blacks without seeing all the evidence.[ thats racist]. Travon/Professor etc,.. I agree your not very sharp:D.. you need to spend a few days in Da,hood.:)

cj, what exactly are you blaming Obama for Dean's loss of sponsorship in this case?

Doubt I will decide to spend a few days in Da,hood. Probably another day in bighorn country in MT again tomorrow.

It was mid-90's while running with a Metcalf.....does that give me any street cred?:D
Her cooking clogged a lot of arteries and killed a lot of people prematurely. The fall of her empire can only help the general health of the nation. Certainly cannot hurt! I consider myself lucky to have survived one of those chicken fried steak southerners for 20 years in the form of my ex. I didn't eat most of her fattening slop. Stuck to fresh vegetables & wild game meat.

Headed for the gym. (A place neither Paula Dean nor my ex have ever seen the inside of)
Her cooking clogged a lot of arteries and killed a lot of people prematurely. The fall of her empire can only help the general health of the nation. Certainly cannot hurt! I consider myself lucky to have survived one of those chicken fried steak southerners for 20 years in the form of my ex. I didn't eat most of her fattening slop. Stuck to fresh vegetables & wild game meat.

Headed for the gym. (A place neither Paula Dean nor my ex have ever seen the inside of)

Bloomberg agrees...
If it were just the fact she said something wrong I don't think Target, Wal-mart, etc would have been pulling her books and cookware off the shelves. There are also some strong allegations with her and her brother with their restaurant. Then you consider she has diabetes and shouldn't be eating the stuff she is selling and promoting. Then there is an over-all push for healthier living with more exercise (and some states even banning large soft drinks). The biggest-loser being one of the top rated tv programs and the first lady pushing health and wellness. In fact most businesses are focusing on healthcare insurance and cutting costs through wellness. Take all that into account and you can see why her tv program is being cut and her products are being pulled.

Interesting. You must think it is a complete coincidence that she lost all of her deals right after publication of her comments?

The proximity in time speaks volumes.
Her cooking clogged a lot of arteries and killed a lot of people prematurely. The fall of her empire can only help the general health of the nation. Certainly cannot hurt! I consider myself lucky to have survived one of those chicken fried steak southerners for 20 years in the form of my ex. I didn't eat most of her fattening slop. Stuck to fresh vegetables & wild game meat.

Headed for the gym. (A place neither Paula Dean nor my ex have ever seen the inside of)

can you name one person who died from clogged arteries because of paula deans cooking? that's just stupid right there. next you'll be telling us emanual is a good mayor.
To me, Paula is just a hillbilly joke and I couldn't care less about her, but there is definitely a double standard at work. If you are black, you can get away with saying anything, but if you are white, you are automatically racist. Political correctness at its finest!
Belly-deep- I think it's the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. She has been a marketing nightmare. Her new book was only showing a rating in the 1500s and I truly believe Food network and others were looking for a way of dumping her contracts. They didn't dump her when she was top rated on their network, her cookbooks were flying off the shelf and the original scandal and allegations first came out. Instead they wait until her new cookbook has cruddy ratings, her show had decreasing ratings (prior to the deposition scandal) of 25-33%. Yep, that kind of stuff has little to nothing to do with being dumped by a network...
To me, Paula is just a hillbilly joke and I couldn't care less about her, but there is definitely a double standard at work. If you are black, you can get away with saying anything, but if you are white, you are automatically racist. Political correctness at its finest!

Yeah, I wonder if Oprah has ever dropped a racial slur.:rolleyes:

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