Caribou Gear Tarp

Paul Ryan, bowhunter

Paul Ryan - consistently tries to sell off public land and consistently tries to eliminate conservation funding.
A politician that actually shot his own animal with his own bow that he owns and nothing staged? I'm starting to like this guy.

I bet he's a good dude to share a beer with.;)
I said this on another site, but feel it fits into this thread as well. Biden probably thinks debate is something used for fishing.

I don't believe people have gotten Ryan's program due to the way the liberal media takes items out of context and uses liberal spin to turn conservative views into political hot points in order to elicit negative opinions that help the Democrats get votes.
MSM never takes anything out of context...they report it out of context. Anonymous sources make Wasserman-Shults indignant, unless it is a source accusing Romney of tax evasion....then it is justified.

....first cast.
How funny it was that in 2000 and in 2004, that kind of campaigning was what the R's were all about.

Politics is the best recycler out there. Wait four years, and each party just switches sides when it comes to messaging.

But I'd totally down a sixer of PBR with Biden.

Ben, I'd drink a real beer with Biden and Dubya...
Just none of that Texas swill you boys think is good beer. :)

I'd also love to have a couple of bourbons with Cheney.
Hell, I'd libate with Obama but he's way too damm't racist to drink with a caucasian Texan.:cool:
How funny it was that in 2000 and in 2004, that kind of campaigning was what the R's were all about.

Politics is the best recycler out there. Wait four years, and each party just switches sides when it comes to messaging.

But I'd totally down a sixer of PBR with Biden.

I'd drink a sixer of 16 ouncers with him. Then smash the cans off his forehead in an effort to reduce, reuse, and recycle. I wouldn't care one bit if he survived without a concussion.