Caribou Gear Tarp


I don't think many are out for financial gains (you can make a helluva lot more doing other things)
The majority of thier money is not made from thier government salary. It comes from awarding contracts to companies they stand to gain from. Sometimes this goes by way of awarding contracts to siblings, spouses, in laws. Sometimes by way of awarding grants to companies they or thier spouses hold stock in or even work at. Many of them pay family members for election services in which they are constantly running for reelection. But the biggest way they do it is through contracts, allocating where funding goes. It's as if they have multiple vehicles in which to launder taxpayer money back to themselves. Thier government salaries are crumbs compared to what some of them are worth.

There are a few politicians at the federal level that I beleive truly want to break from that status quo but the insane party line bullshit will ensure that never happens. An Independent party needs to come together from within the government because independents don't stand a chance in any election. But then those politicians would actually have to care about best serving thier constituents and not just the machine that ensures their riches and power.
I'm trying to understand the setting and why the flip.

What I gather, it appears 3541 is specific to only those effected after Sept 11, 2001... whereas the PACT Act appears to cover far beyond Sept 11, 2001.

The idea it will overwhelm the VA by including all living military service members? Seems to be the best I can read of the setting. I despise polarized trench politics. I think that's a given though I'm trying to understand why support a select era vs all? What else am I missing?
I think it is because the pact act is detailed enough in the areas of studies and the responsibilities of the VA that there is certainly more of a outcome based focus on the bill of providing care currently, creating more extensive databases of what was burned where at which times and notifying people that may have been exposed. And yes it acknowledges known events and places in the past that would guarantee care for those that were there. As they should be.

3541 is so vague that while it will help people receive care if they are ill from inhalation hazards they were exposed to after 9/11 if they hadn't already claimed the disability it does little to try and get ahead of the issue and prevent even more suffering. Other than that it states the VA will publish a list of resources to help people that were exposed. It does nothing in the way of researching and establishing a database of what all was burned the effects of those exposures and who may have been exposed. The PACT act pretty much lays it all down on how it should be accomplished.

If it is going to overwhelm the VA that should indicate the VA needs more resources. Not that there aren't many other indicators.
I’m sure Mr Daines could clarify what else was being pushed through with that bill…
Send him a letter or inquire through his website ... and you will receive a form letter in return in about two weeks, a letter that will express his opinion on something not even related to your inquiry. (Anecdotal but it happened several times.)
Send him a letter or inquire through his website ... and you will receive a form letter in return in about two weeks, a letter that will express his opinion on something not even related to your inquiry. (Anecdotal but it happened several times.)
I sent Toomey an email and expect the same.
I guess our outrage hit the Senate. It passed this afternoon.
They even overrode an amendment from Paul looking for offset funds from elsewhere.
Maybe the few existing Nam Vets will finally get help from agent orange...nahh.

Still glad I walked after my service and I never went to a VA hospital, except to visit dying vets.
I'm not that familiar with all the assholes on that list that opposed the bill, but to the ones I'm familiar with, Barrasso, Lummis, and Daines....fu$& you too.

It's funny how they all found a bottomless pit of money to send our citizens to fight wars in their stead, but just can't find money to pay for veterans they break.

It's sickening and Cruz and Daines both need punched in the goddamn face for their fist bump. Losers, and I hope both get voted out of office. Why that likely won't happen is staggering.
I'm not that familiar with all the assholes on that list that opposed the bill, but to the ones I'm familiar with, Barrasso, Lummis, and Daines....fu$& you too.

It's funny how they all found a bottomless pit of money to send our citizens to fight wars in their stead, but just can't find money to pay for veterans they break.

It's sickening and Cruz and Daines both need punched in the goddamn face for their fist bump. Losers, and I hope both get voted out of office. Why that likely won't happen is staggering.
Tell us how you really feel. ;)

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