Caribou Gear

Pack Adjustment


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2019
I owned a Kelty Tioga pack for close to 14 years. It finally wore out this last season. So, I started down the path of looking at packs. I researched for months and finally settled on the MR Metcalf. I love the pack so far. I have only taken it out a couple of times, but it seems WAY more comfortable than the old external frame kelty. My question is this - I hiked about 6 miles with it on today and by the time I was on my way down from the mountain, my hips felt sore. Full disclosure, I am not in great hiking shape at the moment, as I have had things in my personal life that prevented me from being in the mountains for the last 7 months. So, I am unsure if the soreness that I felt was just not being in good shape yet, or if it's possible that I do not have the pack adjusted correctly. I have watched all the videos on MR's website and tried to make sure that It's adjusted according to their recommendations. Any suggestions?
Sounds like your shoulder straps are likely a little high putting more weight on your hips than equally distributed between shoulders and hips. Not sure how the metcalf adjusts but that was the issue initially on my SG