Pack a Extra Plastic Bag.


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2018
Upper Mississippi River
I had a phone call with the Forest Service yesterday ask questions about the upcoming Elk season. Something I was told that was not good news with the Covid 19 they have had more people coming to the forest useing it and 4 wheelers running around.
Now the unfortunate part some of these A**holes are leaving trash all over.
I hope everyone here can take a extra trash bag and if you see it pick it up. For a lot years where I duck hunt on the Upper Mississippi River Wildlife Refuge I have been taking a plastic bag in my blind bag like from Wal Mart check out and pick up what I find around my blind. Every little bit helps. I will be taking a large trash bag to Colorado. I hope you will too. Thanks
Great post!!

My dad has picked up a lot of trash in the woods over the years. Installed that in my brother and I.

Years ago went out to grab lunch with a couple newer co-workers. One of the guys I didn't know. Driving down the road he pitched something out the window. Looked over at him with squinted eyebrows and at the guy he knew in the back seat and said, "classy" with a look of utter disgust. He turned into a friend and guess that was the last time he littered because of that classy comment. He said he never thought about it because that's how he was raised, but that comment made him feel 2"es tall.

Unbelievable how lazy people are and have zero care if it's not in their yard.

Think the penalty for littering shouldn't be a fine, but have their yard be a free for all for people to throw trash in their yard for a year and they have to keep picking up other people's trash out of their yard. About the only way habitual litter'er's will ever learn.
I picked up a ton of trash over the years, a few times an entire pickup load from trashed out camp sites. My dad taught me over the years to not even leave a sign that you were even there. People can be pigs sometimes and that trash they leave is sometimes deadly to wildlife that gets near it.
Here in CO I feel like I wouldn't make it 50 yards into the woods without having to return to the truck with a full bag. I camped last weekend in what I thought was a lesser used place and there was used TP under EVERY tree within a 50 foot radius of the fire pit. No holes dug, no clean up attempted. Blows my mind.
Here in CO I feel like I wouldn't make it 50 yards into the woods without having to return to the truck with a full bag. I camped last weekend in what I thought was a lesser used place and there was used TP under EVERY tree within a 50 foot radius of the fire pit. No holes dug, no clean up attempted. Blows my mind.
Don't that gross you out? It's definitely not good practice of field sanitation.
Here in CO I feel like I wouldn't make it 50 yards into the woods without having to return to the truck with a full bag. I camped last weekend in what I thought was a lesser used place and there was used TP under EVERY tree within a 50 foot radius of the fire pit. No holes dug, no clean up attempted. Blows my mind.
Have you heard of the ass movement rinella talked about it’s the anti surface shitting movement a guy from Alaska started and is trying to get more people on board

How hard is it to dig out with a boot & bury? Blows my mind. I have had to find new spots to stop with Rio for road breaks....anywhere near a paved road or a turnout/campground is a mess. The woods full of tp white spots.
One thing attached to the outside of my pack whether I use the day pack or the big hunting pack I got is a military shovel that folds up. I always bury mine and sometimes others that I see laying around. That is pure carelessness not to be doing that and also exposes fellow hunters, hikers and campers to disease that is spread that way. It also gets into the water and spreads disease to wildlife that get into that. Deer like to lick when humans have peed because of the high mineral content that is in it. There is just no way to explain the total lack of responsibility of some people that do this.
I believe before a fishing or hunting license is issued, everyone should be required to complete an online training course on "Leave No Trace Ethics". The course should also be incorporated into all hunter safety education training programs. For more information on such training programs, check out The Center for Leave No Trace Ethics website.
I remember an article in Outside magazine that showed you were supposed to smear your poo on rocks and the burn your used toilet paper. That year I was on the BLM RAC. The fire control team adressed one of our meetings seeking advise on this issue as there had been three fires started by burning toilet paper on the Madison river. I have been cautious about sitting on rocks ever since. Maybe an article on accepted wilderness ettiquet on relief in the pucker brush.

Personally I favor a trenching shovel. simple, clean and quick. It just takes a little preplanning.
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