Caribou Gear

PA Changing the First Day of Rifle... Thoughts?

Hi guys, been reading a few threads here lately and this seemed like a good place to register and jump in.
The main point I've heard to keep Sunday closed not mentioned here is this, "I want a day to feel safe."
Safe to walk a trail or let the dog out or ride a horse or what not. Folks get it in their head their own idea of what safely is, sometimes the perception isn't reality. Try changing their mind, they just arent open to change.
I tell them to look at all the other states and the lack of problems they have, even with high hunter participation, but some still think the sky will fall if the tradition changes.
Me, ideally I don't have a buck tag after archery season to deal with it, but cant count on that
Tiny fines, combined with no enforcement and high hurdles of easily avoidable legal thresholds make for some very frustrated land holders. The "no trespassing " signage requirements are just plain hard to believe, compared to other states. And throw in the game commissions "we will not come to enforce" policy and it is a complete shit show kinda like catch and release fishing if you are the land owner.

To keep trespassers at bay it requires one to not hunt, just cruise fence lines and chase down shots all day on saturday, and quite a bit on the weekdays as well. Many land holders just do not want another day of this on top of what they already have.

I'm sorry but this sentiment/argument for keeping Sunday hunting closed is ridiculous. I won't even touch the "godless heathens" comment about someone wanting to hunt on Sunday...
1. Signage: I don't believe there are any "signage requirements" other than having signs posted that are “reasonably likely to come to the attention of intruders.” Once those signs are up then it has been legally communicated that the owner does not want other people on the property and entering the property means a misdemeanor charge of defiant trespass if caught. And tearing down a sign would mean an added penalty of criminal mischief or destruction of property.
2. Enforcement: No, the game wardens don't enforce it, but the state and local police do--which is a good thing because there are a lot more of them to respond. Maybe it is different in your neck of the woods, but I grew up in a very rural area of PA and we never had issue with getting a response for a call for trespass violation. Not sure if y'all are opposed to getting law enforcement involved or what, but when word gets out that you are willing to prosecute, some (not all) of the trespass pressure will go away. If there are threats of violence then report those too, use cameras if you have to to document license numbers and vehicles. If local LEOs are not responsive get the stateys or the magistrates office involved. It is your land and you have a right to close it to whomever and whenever you want.
3. Fines: I believe one of the concessions in the Sunday hunting bill now progressing is increased fines for trespass.

Yes there is a strong tradition in Pennsylvania of hunting across "squares" of open land regardless of ownership--growing up it was basically, don't cross the road and you were fine. In fact I believe it is technically not trespassing if you have not been told to not hunt there either in person or by sign. But the times of roaming across boundaries are hunters are changing with them. Properties that were once open now have posted signs and we no longer go there, the other hunters don't either. Sure guys on neighbor properties push the boundaries and we confiscate stands and cameras (with a note saying we have them and come get them along with your warning to not trespass). But for the most part we have no issues--even with a well used snowmobile trail traversing the property. Word gets around that poaching on the property is not tolerated and it tails off--a lot of the violators talk to each other.

So, post your land, don't hunt on Sunday (or the Saturday opener which this thread started as), enforce your property rights--but don't let your traditions or the actions of a few bad actors keep me from making new traditions with my kids by getting them in the woods on the Saturday opener or, god-willing, on Sunday.

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