PA archery buck


Aug 9, 2012
I was in my stand Saturday reading this forum on my phone. I'd been out about 45 minutes, and it was still about 20-30 minutes until I expected the deer to come out for the evening. The stand is in a large maple at the edge of a picked cornfield, with a couple old apple trees around. I had just put the phone away, and a minute later I saw this buck:

I stood up, and he paused for a couple minutes before taking a few more steps and presenting an open shot. He fell within sight, and I walked back to my house to get my wife and son. My little boy watched me field dress the buck and posed for some pictures:

This is my 3rd archery buck in the past 4 years, and my 6th overall. It's also my 8th buck in 8 years since moving home after the military. There are some much bigger bucks on my farm and nearby, but I'm not passing legal bucks with a young kid at home (and another boy on the way). This was only my 3rd time out this year, so I'm lucky to have my buck tag filled.

I did get the chance to hunt out west earlier this fall. I got a little antelope buck, and got to hunt elk for a few days in CO's 1st rifle season.

A great fall so far, and a couple doe tags still to go.

Well done, great to see the young'un getting in on it. And that's no "little" antelope buck, looks pretty nice! Congrats on both!
Adding a pic of last year's (rifle season) buck.

First of all, that little boy has sure grown a lot in the past year. Second, the buck has forked G-2's on both sides. I call it my "mule deer" buck. It's the only buck I've ever shot with a forked point, and it has them on both sides.

Thanks Muskeez - it was my first antelope, and I was certainly happy with it. I shot it early in the time I had allotted for antelope, so that let me drive up to the trailhead where I was to begin my elk hunt. An extra 3 days of camping and hiking at altitude was nice to acclimate and get to know my way around.


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