Yeti GOBOX Collection

P&Y Whitey

That a great looking buck!

And for the record, you look like a douche in all you pictures....your tongue just happens to be out in the last pic;)
WOW... you got a Deer ? Congrats ;)

I like the bigger pictures for sure. It's OK if you look like a Homo, Uhhhh why would you even bring that up... .again ? :D
Call me slow, but that comment conjures up some strange thoughts. Maybe I am misreading something here. Sorry.

your sloooooooow. What can I say, the guy shows up at the hunt camp wearing Richard Simmons short shorts and carrying a Miller Lite cooler with his tounge hanging out. And you guys wonder why I slept in my hammock??:D

That is a great bow buck and the cape appears to be absolutely flawless. Great field photos!
Great buck Stan. See any hogs ?
Schmalts, is that one of those hammocks with the hole in the middle and suspended by bungee cords ?
Great buck!!

btw Schmalts.. Its GENE Simmons NOT RIchard Simmons.. judas, get it right.
Here does this pic suit ya......


Great buck by the those big-8s
Great buck!!

btw Schmalts.. Its GENE Simmons NOT RIchard Simmons.. judas, get it right.

Browtine, i think your confused.. Gene Simmons is the dude from Kiss, Richard simmons is the not so manly weight loss video guy.
Iminrut.. now Photo shop out the Shadow of the guy taking the picture. GEEESHHHH :D :D

Looks good though.