Caribou Gear Tarp

OYOA - Big changes coming

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Well, the time has come to let this cat out of the bag. Big news for On Your Own Adventures.

I've been strategizing on a new project for almost four years, plotting hard on the idea for the last year. Filming the idea the last four months. After a lot of planning, discussion with the network and sponsors, my new idea is going to be on the outdoor newswires tomorrow, timed to be announced prior to SHOT Show next week.

Figured I better tell the home crowd what is up before they read about it on a news wire.

We have been working on a new show format, new style, new idea. It will be all self-guided hunting on accessible lands. The hunting style will be the same, but the production style, shooting perspectives, story lines, and over all season format will be much different. Much different; incorporating a some of the comments that have been posted here over the last few years. I am very excited to get this new concept edited and delivered to the network this summer.

With that, you are now the first to publicly know about a new self-guided accessible land hunting TV show that will be airing on Sportsman Channel starting in late June - Federal Premium's Fresh Tracks with Randy Newberg.

Below is the flyer prepared by Federal for the announcement at SHOT. Will be posting up a really cool sizzle reel from the production company, as soon as they have it completed.


On Your Own Adventures will still exist and is going to be a web-based video platform. Still finalizing the details on all of that at this time and will announce them for certain once the technology and platforms have been completely worked through. Hope to have the web ideas in place and ready to go by July 1. We will be putting up some old episodes, some new episodes that have never made TV, and a lot of other clips that provide information and messages important to our audience. The web platform gives us way more latitude to do deliver a lot more to the audience, at far less cost than TV.

Nothing is changing with Hunt Talk. The forum will continue to be here, free of change, full of the same characters, just with some updates to the new forum software and possibly some changes in the advertisements as a result of a new web ad firm managing some of our digital real estate.

So, we will now have three platforms - Fresh Tracks, OYOA on the web, and Hunt Talk.

As if I wasn't busy enough.
great news. Is the web based show going to be different hunts than the TV show or is it strictly older shows and un-aired video?
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You must have lots of "free time" to take on more projects:)

Good luck in your new endeavors.
Does "Accessible land" include private property?

Yup, if it is accessible without paying a fee. Like we have done on some private lands enrolled in Wyoming HMAs, Walk-in areas in Kansas and Wyoming, etc.
Congratulations on the new venture. May it bring home to the viewer your desired message of adventure in wild places with great folks. I believe you will continue to represent ethical self guided hunting to your audience and I look forward to watching the new episodes.
sounds like a good way to expand the idea of hunting without paying for a guide, showing people that they can harvest animals if they put in a little hard work and effort. looking forward to more of this kind of story-lined hunting to watch.
Are you using the same production company?

Yup. Warm Springs Productions, based here in Montana. We were their first client, now they are off in the big leagues, doing stuff for History, Discovery, A&E, Travel, et al.

Wondering when they are going to give me the boot. :eek: Hopefully never.
Very cool!

I'd just like to say thank you for being the ambassador that you already are for our passion. I'd like to be optimistic that more shows like yours will come from your current and future endeavors.
Yup. Warm Springs Productions, based here in Montana. We were their first client, now they are off in the big leagues, doing stuff for History, Discovery, A&E, Travel, et al.

Wondering when they are going to give me the boot. :eek: Hopefully never.


Does that mean the format change is sponsor driven?

I'm not being critical or negative, I just can't wrap my head around "outdoor television" logic.
Yup. Warm Springs Productions, based here in they are off in the big leagues, doing stuff for History, Discovery, A&E, Travel, et al.

Cool..well earned. Good luck on the new format Fin.
Is this going to be a format where we can text you "Shoot that one" or "Shoot NOW!!!" and you'll do it? Cuz that'd be cool. We wouldn't even need to leave the house!!!

Looking forward to the new show!!! Best of luck!
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