Oy Vay, Vat Haff I Done?


New member
Apr 8, 2002
Henderson, NV
Boy, oh boy! Here I write just a little note to apologize for not being able to attend our piscatorial soiree and I have caused us (or at least the noble Eastsiders) to become the castigatory emblems of the Elkboys. If only I had psychic powers to peer into the future . . . . Well, the heck with it! I blame this all on Darren (aka Gotfish?), primarily because he has nto psoted for a while and so is defenseless. ;) At any rate, fish with valor my fellow fisherfolk and I hope SOMEONE from the Eastside shows up and devastates the Westside Weenies. I will dream of being there with you all (in a totally non-sexual way). :rolleyes: :D
Hey Law, no problemo, we will find out if the Westsiders are really men come Sept 15th.
They are sending their best (Delw) to represent them. Haa wait till Del ties on with a 40# Bluefin, I am gonna take pics of this.
Westy somehow I think you are gonna win that wager, (I am hoping so )Love to see a guy new at tuna fishing latch on to cow tuna, their eyes get as big as dinner plates.
This sounds like a lot of chest beating and hoo ha!!!. Just like in the past..I am with Elkhunter fully 100%....Show me the pics......Then I may become a beliver....
ELKCHSR, if we wait for the pics to be believers, then we will never be believers.

Oh! Wait! What am I saying, we already don't believe them because they have no pics. :D
Well Elkhunter...At least some of us get into the great outdoors and try to keep the spirit of some of these threads alive, even not for the feable attempts at some of the others that try to make this their home... :D
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