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Outfitters can kill 20 wolf this spring...!?

I thought I'd add...

"Commenting" in this articles' comment-section is pointless IMO and you should not waste your time; judging on those currently doing so (bottom of page)..:rolleyes:?

....In fact, I'd go as far as to suggest when it comes to issues like this, since its obvious just as many Environmentalist-Websites are linking their BB members to these "hot wolf issues" in the News; .....any sportsmen commenting is totally wasting their breath, trying to convince the other poster of anything (deadset against hunting as they are).

Since the people that truly need to be reached with the 'message of how bad things are' with the wolf in Montana/Idaho decimating elk herds in certain regions (are the non-hunting public); it only fans the flames IMO to post angry rebuttals on public-News sites where tensions run high?

Especially since there's a lot of "baiting" in posts, as enviro's are famous for doing - getting nieve hunters in a fury over the topic;'. This is done to use it against you publicly as it comes form your mouth online - and it cant be taken back unfortunately?!

...Think thats a 'far fetched assumption' on my part; just read the posts in the comment section (the guy from FL is a total BS'er about living up here and "used to hunt" but has changed his ways...).:(

Really, I doubt most folks who are torn on this issue or who have little interest in it, would even read such an article unless promted, much less scroll down to the comment-section again...its kind of a waste your time IMO..

...But feel free to voice your opinions here on OYO, for good or bad.
On here, we're not gonna find non-hunters (and any enviros' lurking, can go to hell anyway), but if you see things differently on this issue of 'thinning the wolf pop. so hunters can kill more elk'; post away...?

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