Caribou Gear

Our Wyoming Antelope hunt.....

Hello! This is Jessica, Hiker's daughter. Thanks to you all for all the nice congrats! I had the time of a lifetime and I got to ride on ATV'S alot and forgot how nice it is not to have to Hike. My dad hikes your tail off everytime we go hunting. I never thought that it would be hard to get one when we first got there. Everywhere you looked there were antelope. But as soon as we shot, they were off and it was a real challenge to get into them again. I missed a shot earlier at a nice buck, so when I had a chance at the doe, I thought, "Oh, here is more target practice again. I'm not going to hit her." I was so shocked when Dad yelled I did. I was on fire after getting my doe.
Later the next day, we got Dad's buck and doe. I tried, but didn't see anything I really liked except this huge and very tall buck. I wasn't able to get a shot on him though. Mom saw him too and had her eyes on him so she called him her buck. We had a "little fight" over him, even though no one got him.
The next day, our final day, I was determined to do my best to get a buck. As soon as I walked outside, I knew it would be tough day to hunt. It was very windy. Mom was able to get a shot on a nice buck. After gutting mom's antelope dad went down to the barn to start skinning the antelope for the trip home to Castle Rock.
Mr. Wesen and I decided to go out "scouting" for a nice buck. Hardly out of the drive way, we saw what we were looking for. The buck was nice yet very skittish. He went over a ridge and we couldn't see him any more. He popped out on the other side of the road and then he bedded in the middle of the field. He thought we couldn't see him, but we could. It was less than an 100 yard shot and boy was I excited. The wind started back up and I shot..... The bullet landed in the dust right behind him and I tried again. I missed about four times because the wind kept moving my bullet sideways and then he got up and ran. We chased after him to the next field and then we couldn't see him. I was so mad. Mr. Wesen was sad too, because he said to Dad when we got back, "I don't want to tell her, but that was a nice buck." I felt like the Lord just didn't want me to get a buck. We were packing up to leave, when Mrs. Wesen said, "I just cleaned my glasses and I still don't see anymore antelope. Jeppers! Jessica come here. Isn't that your buck walking up to the field?" I jumped up and said,"WHAT?" Sure enough, it was my buck. Mrs. Wesen got Mr. Wesen and we put all our gear on and I got my gun and more bullets. We snuck up to a nearby ridge, which made my shot about 250 yards. I got to the top of the ridge and asked Mr. Wesen to back me up. I got my gun ready and started to focus on my breathing. I said a quick prayer that the Lord would stop the wind for a secound so I could shoot. The wind died and I shot. I missed and I quickly re-loaded. I shot again and I hit him right in the "broiler room" as Mrs. Wesen would call it! He slowly got up and looked around. He had no idea what had hit him. He fell to the ground. I screamed in surprise! I jumped up and gave Mr. Wesen a hug! I couldn't believe it.I was so excited and when Mom, Mrs. Wesen and Dad came, I told them that my buck was bigger than both Mom and Dad's! They were so excited and I really couldn't stop smiling. We went back to the house, put him in the truck and we packed the rest of the stuff. As we drove home, I recalled what a blast I had! I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL NEXT YEAR AND HOPEFULLY I CAN GET A EVEN BIGGER BUCK!~!

What a terrific thread. Great looking family & lifelong memories. The smiles are contagious.
Jessica....way to go on your antelope(s). Great story, and reading it from you just made it all the more better! Thanks for coming on here and sharin' it with us. I think I can still hear the excitment in your typing. ;) Good luck next year and remember to take lots of pictures.
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