Our Thoughts and Prayers Are With Those in the Path of Hurricane Ian

My BIL has a new home on the water in Port Charlotte and was going to stay and ride it out. I just heard he decided to leave because it was getting so bad. I am very worried about him and others in the same situation.
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It's a tense morning waiting for updates.. My wife's family is in Venice and decided to ride it out. Winds are getting pretty strong last we heard, but it seems like they just lost cellular service. Hoping and praying for the best, along with all of those in Ian's path.
Yes, Hopes and Prayers for those in the path. Local news here said it was close to a Cat 5, with gusts to almost 200 mph. Scary just to think about it.
We tried to get my dad here before this all came down but his Tuesday Am flight was cancelled. Not stoked about a 77 year old riding this one out in Naples.
It has shifted east enough that it has taken my area out of the cone but we are still gonna deal with some of it
Should be some form of a rodeo for the next couple weeks . I've got to guard the utility company trucks for 12 hours tomorrow and they started rolling in yesterday heavy

For reference I'm and hour north and slightly west of orlando
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anyone heard from loved ones on the west coast yet? I know my dad lost power around 11 EST, but no contact since. Just hoping its a matter of downed cell towers and nothing more.
Mom is in Clearwater and my best friend just moved to Cape Coral this month.
I’m in Lee County (Fort Myers) 96.5% are without power. Pretty rough day.
Tomorrow we will see wide spread damage. Still blowing tropical forcedwinds but hurricane winds have passed for us here. Storm surge still a concern. They predict tropical force winds until about 5:30 am tomorrow.
Wife's family is real near Tampa, they put up shutters and rode it out. All are OK, but I haven't heard reports of local damage yet. I'm sure there's going to be plenty.
My buddies daughter is in Saint Petersburg. He spent a few days getting her place ready before going back north to Gainesville to prep his place.
He promised to call after it went through and cell system comes back. I haven't heard anything yet,,,
He should be fine Gainesville is north of me by about an hour and 20 minutes. Which put him about 2.5 hours away from the brunt of the storm.
We were supposed to go to Ft Myers beach in 2 weeks. My mother-in-laws family has a condo there. That’s not happening anymore. Complete devastation. It’s only a matter of time when you build a city on a barrier island 5’ above sea level. Sad to see the pictures, though.
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