Caribou Gear Tarp

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Long live the millions of bear creeks, moose creeks, meadow creeks, etc
but also, let's be honest, the N word really has no place anywhere in society
And while we're at it neither does the C word and H word.
(Cracker & Honky)
I have heard both the C word and H word used while being the only white person in a 7th grade classroom in Little Rock Arkansas during what was an attempt to desegregate during the late eighties. I was forced to ride a school bus nearly an hour away instead of being able to attend the public school right down the road. When my dad went before an all black school board to request I be moved from the 95% black student body almost an hour away to the school right down the road he was told no he didn't have a choice where I went to school. Thankfully my dad had a backbone and said oh yeah? and pulled me out.
One of my points is racism and racial slurs are among every race of people. Always has been and always will be, not just from tbe "evil" white man.
So before I get labeled as racist understand that my wife who although she is not full blood she is a Cherokee card holder as are our 4 children and we are in the process of adopting 3 biracial children. The children are a mix of black/white/Cherokee and have lived full time in our home for over 2 years.
I have also spent many hours on Sunday afternoons between church services feeding the homeless and giving out care packs to people of all color. Some I have come to know on a first name basis. The fact is racism exist in all races.
but also, let's be honest, the N word really has no place anywhere in society
You are right. A good place to start would be black people not calling each other the N word. As well as removing the N word from rap music.
You are right. A good place to start would be black people not calling each other the N word. As well as removing the N word from rap music.

It makes no sense to tell black people if they will stop using the N word, white people might follow suit.

I guess if their skin wasn't so dark we would have never come up with the N word.

All words have more than one meaning, even the N word. It is not for whites to tell black culture that they cannot use the word. It is hard to come up with any scenario where white people can use that word without its original meaning coming thru loud and clear.
It makes no sense to tell black people if they will stop using the N word, white people might follow suit.

I guess if their skin wasn't so dark we would have never come up with the N word.

All words have more than one meaning, even the N word. It is not for whites to tell black culture that they cannot use the word. It is hard to come up with any scenario where white people can use that word without its original meaning coming thru loud and clear.
I am not implying that there is a scenario that should allow white people to use the N word. I was simply responding to post that said the N word has NO place in society. NO place in society would include all skin color including black skin color.
Nor did I say if black people stop using the word white people would follow suit. Some white people use the N word and some dont.
Some black people still use honky and cracker and some dont. Again I will say there are some white racist people but not all. But just as important there are some racist black people but not all. Always has always will.
Although some of the changes I have seen are mindless- the other side of can be a problem. Index peak near Stevens Pass has been moved three times in 100 years. In researching historic records we found that the three differant peaks had been used as a reference over time for surveying and land descriptions and were called Index peak. Unless there is an easily found reference refering to the change, there will be some upset people over time.
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