Oregon Seceding?

They also might want to get an idea on where their electricity comes from before the vote.
We’ll trade our wheat and grass seed grown for golf courses, for electricity from dams on the snake and Columbia rivers.

Until of course all the California transplants in Idaho, western Oregon and Washington vote to remove the dams so they can charge their EVs with wind and solar power only.
True, for a while road maintenance would go downhill. But things like school curriculum and big game management might get better.

Oregon as a state ranks near the bottom or in the lower half of states in several social well-being categories. We're #37 in K-12 education.
Idaho hates public education it has been shooting for dead last in education funding while running a state budget surplus they regularly decline to invest in federally matched education dollars out of spite and fear.
Oregon schools would have another thing coming.
I’m saying the demographic that moves in many times is more “liberal” than the local populace. It happens a lot.
That I agree with, but that is not what you said. You said they vote for more and more taxes. That doesn't seem to be the case.

"In May 2021 Gov. Brad Little cut the top rate on income to 6.5% from 6.93% amid a $900 million surplus. The state's surplus grew by more than 50% the next year, and Gov. Little followed up by reducing the income tax to a flat 5.8%.”
Until of course all the California transplants in Idaho, western Oregon and Washington vote to remove the dams so they can charge their EVs with wind and solar power only.
Idaho Conservationists should vote to remove the dams because the dams are losing money (Federal Money Pit) and removing will give wild steelhead/salmon a chance at returning to sustainable numbers.
Dude - no need for religious bigotry. Some of the nicest folks I have ever worked with have been Mormon.
Me too ... including a good number of my relatives. However, live in that area and you will understand what religious bigotry is about. I once wasted my time driving into Mormon country for a teaching job interview. The supt was a nice enough guy ... a coffee drinking chain smoking "jack-Mormon." He asked if I'd forgotten to put my missionary experience on my resume (ask any Mormon what that means). No. He sighed. "Well, you know you're not going to get hired." Yeah, but it was beautiful country and my family needed a break. I could at least write off the vacation expenses as searching for employment. We shook hands and that was it. No bitterness. No bigotry. Not on my part or his. Just the way it is. That was back in the 80s but I hear from my kin things haven't changed much.
Idaho Conservationists should vote to remove the dams because the dams are losing money (Federal Money Pit) and removing will give wild steelhead/salmon a chance at returning to sustainable numbers.
Some very old small dams (e.g. Elwah) are/were money losers but you'll have a hard time convincing me the big ones on the Columbia are running in the red. My dad retired from Hungry Horse and I'm quite familiar with the cost of running that monolith. Almost no employees there now. It just produces electricity ... a LOT of it ... for golf courses, shopping malls, subdevelopments, etc. Where do you live and shop?
Idaho Conservationists should vote to remove the dams because the dams are losing money (Federal Money Pit) and removing will give wild steelhead/salmon a chance at returning to sustainable numbers.
Hope they also came up with a plan to deal with the sea lions gorging on salmon
That I agree with, but that is not what you said. You said they vote for more and more taxes. That doesn't seem to be the case.
It’s been the case in Oregon for a very long time, that’s what I mean. Hardly anyone in western Oregon seems to be a native Oregonian. If nothing like that happens anywhere else then it’ll be a miracle.
Is it really a religion though?

Magical spectacles and polygamy? Seems a little cultish
Virgin births? God killed by man? Belly of a whale? Wine transforming to blood at Sunday service? Hell, the entire book of revelations? As a Lutheran I carry some humility when I address other faiths.

It’s been the case in Oregon for a very long time, that’s what I mean. Hardly anyone in western Oregon seems to be a native Oregonian. If nothing like that happens anywhere else then it’ll be a miracle.
I think the majority of western states would say that. Americans tend to be mobile (maybe not mobile enough, but a different thread). They first tend to seek places that have jobs that match their skills. Maybe that is what is happening in ID. Boise explodes creating jobs that pay state income tax and the budget surplus grows. And everyone celebrates. Maybe, eventually, these people decide that an underfunded education system that delivers shitty results needs more funds? Maybe. Time will tell.
Some very old small dams (e.g. Elwah) are/were money losers but you'll have a hard time convincing me the big ones on the Columbia are running in the red. My dad retired from Hungry Horse and I'm quite familiar with the cost of running that monolith. Almost no employees there now. It just produces electricity ... a LOT of it ... for golf courses, shopping malls, subdevelopments, etc. Where do you live and shop?
The lower snake river dams produce power at a loss and are subsidized by the Federal government.
In California/Oregon there has long been the idea of the State of Jefferson. Most recently I think it worked out for the folks who decided to capitalize on it and sell shirts, hats and of course flags.

Washington has its fair share of dumb- ass ideas. The reps don’t like to be photographed though.
Complete* Freedom and Liberty to all.

*in those ideas that we approve of.

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maybe they should just join the east Oregonian and leave Idaho out of this. Plus some of the last decades idaho imports could move there and help ruin it the way they’re trying to here

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