Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Opinions ?

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Nevermind, that time it loaded.

ETA: 133 yard shot in the 10 ring would be a heck of a shot on a target with a bow. A 133 yard perfect shot on an animal is a heck of a shot with a bow.

I would have zero chance of making a shot like that so I would never attempt it. I missed at 69 yards on an antelope in Wyoming this year with a bow and everybody back home said that was way to far and I had no chance of making that shot. I practiced for months out to 70 yards before we went out west and I could shoot arrows consistantly within the 9 and 10 rings. I had complete confidence I could make a good ethical shot at 70 yards. I proved there were more factors than 69 yards that go into a shot with a bow. Nerves, wind, terrain and angle made a difference for me when compared to shooting in a field at a target 70 yards away.

Jim may practice on a daily basis out to 150 yards with success, I don't know. He made a great shot and all ended well. I've seen people make gut shots with a rifle at closer ranges than that. I put a bad hit on a deer at 35 yards with a bow once that we never recovered. His bow and arrow setup is obviously tuned and capable of making accurate shots at that distance, he has plenty of experience to keep cool under pressure and make a clutch shot at "normal distances" so I am having a hard time condeming the man of making a great shot at a very far distance.

This just doesn't register on my "Give a Crap Meter" of things that bother me. I don't have the ability to make that shot so I would not take it.
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think our resident TV star should check his PM's. or was it an e-mail?
Randy, This one should make for some good discussion. But usuallly the best debates happen when you have two sides, each passionate about their postition. Don't think you're going to get a bunch of supporters for that shot here. Maybe you should have posted this on AT. :) Personally, the show host in question happens to turn my stomach the few times I've see his show. The only other person I can think of offhand that affects me the same way is Dinkshooter's neighborhood hottie.
Par for the course with other behaviour from said host. I havent' sent him any friend requests on Facebook.

Was it in a pen so he could be sure of recovering the animal?
Ha! I thought that guy was a tard before I looked at his facebook. Shooting game at 133 yards doesn't surprise me a bit
Oh yeah, my kind of bowhunter. Cool that he never has to actually stalk an animal and can just fire away. I think in the below photo he was hunting groundhogs with blasting cap tipped arrows. Almost looks like the Nuge 2nd from right...?


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I don't care how much anyone practices or how good of a shot someone is out to 150 yards with a bow. A target is one thing since it doesn't move, but an animal could move 10 yards or more in the time it took the arrow to get that far. I can't believe Outdoor Channel would allow that to be shared with the public. If Big Fin or any of his guests did that I would lose faith in the OYOA show.
TOTAL IGNORANCE in my eyes! The OC should be ashamed on to put that on tv. What kind of lesson does that teach anyone, fling arrows as far as you want until you hit what you're shooting at? I can't imagine shooting an animal at that distance, unless I had a muzzleloader or rifle in hand.
Wasn't the OC was it? Facebook right?

Watched one of his segments last night. Two youth brothers red stag rifle hunting in New Zealand. One with hodgkins lymphoma...good show IMO. He's a good communicator, I'll give him that.

133 with a bow...on facebook...sounds like the right venue for something like that.
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133 is ridiculous. I don't care who you are. He is being irresponsible at best. There's a lot of people out there that are his fans, and look up too him. This sends the wrong message. I think Bow tech, promotes long, unethical shooting. When I was bow hunting this year for lopes, a group of young guys, all packing their, bowtech's showed up where I was camping. The first thing they did is break out the targets and started tuning up for the opener. They marched back to 70 yards. After a warm up they moved back more and more each time. Some arrows were hitting inside the kill area, but most weren't. They told me anything inside 100 was dead. The next night, I ran into them at camp. They had been looking for a wounded lope shot at 90 yards. No big deal, there's plenty where that one came from.
"to each his own" the shooter is the one that should be the judge of a shot knowing his ability and his own personal limitations.

I practice out to 100, but draw my personal limits at 70. I was 7 for 7 on elk till this year. Not bad odds.

133 yard shot with a bow is equal to a 600 yard with a rifle imo. If this guy could demonstrate his ability at those ranges I would not have a problem with him taking that shot.

You should look at it this way. What about The old geezer that is half blind that can barely hit a Target at 20 yards? What should his max range be? I think it depends on the shooter.
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I don't care for the idea of shooting at 133 yards at all with archery equipment. This guy has me somewhat perplexed to be honest, I used to shoot 3d tourneys quite a bit and ran into his cohort on his shows, Ray Bunny frequently, Ray was always a pretty good guy, straight forward and seemed very ethical and one hell of a shot on a 3d course, so I never would have thought he'd run with a jackass like this guy, but who knows I guess. Personally I don't care for this guys show or his ethics in general whether it be his 133 yard bow shot or when he was in ND on a Indian reservation and actually backed up to take a deer with his 50cal, so it would be a true 1000yd shot or something like that. Just not my cup of tea.
This is one of those things that drives me nuts, you see these guys shoot animals at absurd distances and then they show it on national t.v. i know most people dont care but what gets me is when people see this they think it is okay to shoot at animals at these great distances. if you shoot every day at 100+ yards that great and if you can hit something at that distance nice but keep it on the range. in the area i hunt antelope in wyoming i watched two well know archers shoot goats at 100+ yards both were gut shots and they thought it was funny both goats were not recovered and the rancher had to go put them down after the two left. this is one of those trends that i would not like to see go any farther. the point of bow hunting is to see how close you can get to the animal isn't it?????? sorry just my 2 cents:mad:
Certainly defines the difference between ethical and extreme.

IMO, there are way too many variables for one to sling an arrow over that range and feel confident in making an ethical shot.

Impressive shot though - extreme. Now if the arrow flew at some 1500 fps - and that accuracy stays - cheers. though with bows slinging at 330 fps way too many variable for confident shots at live game.

Didn't see the video - comment is based on what has been discussed here.
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"to each his own" the shooter is the one that should be the judge of a shot knowing his ability and his own personal limitations.

I practice out to 100, but draw my personal limits at 70. I was 7 for 7 on elk till this year. Not bad odds.

133 yard shot with a bow is equal to a 600 yard with a rifle imo. If this guy could demonstrate his ability at those ranges I would not have a problem with him taking that shot.

You should look at it this way. What about The old geezer that is half blind that can barely hit a Target at 20 yards? What should his max range be? I think it depends on the shooter.

When I started bow hunting, the yards one should attempt to shoot at game, was, if you can hit a pie plate with 3/4 of your shots at that given range, then you could give it a go.

I'll bet almost everyone, with a modern firearm, after, several shots can consistently hit a pie plate at 600 yrds. I'd like to see this dude, hit a pie plate at 133 yrds. with a third of his shots, even though he's as good as it gets at that range. Most guns shoot 1.5 min of accuracy at 100, thats 9 inches at 600. No way he's that good with a bow. Like he said:
You can see the arrow drop in what looks like 60 feet high to the 10 ring.

With a trajectory like that, you have to be just lucky. Way to many variables to compete with a fire arm, at 600. Now compare his shot to say 1500 yards, I'd agree.
Good points SS. I'll change my comparison to 800 yards. I know most guys can't pick up a rifle and hit a pie plate 3 out of 3 at 800. I don't think I can with my 300 rum. People attempt that shot all the time. Heck most rangefinders do not work consistently at that range. I bet with in 10 min of resighting my bow I could hit a pie plate at 130. Just sayin.
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This is one of those things that drives me nuts, you see these guys shoot animals at absurd distances and then they show it on national t.v. i know most people dont care but what gets me is when people see this they think it is okay to shoot at animals at these great distances. if you shoot every day at 100+ yards that great and if you can hit something at that distance nice but keep it on the range. in the area i hunt antelope in wyoming i watched two well know archers shoot goats at 100+ yards both were gut shots and they thought it was funny both goats were not recovered and the rancher had to go put them down after the two left. this is one of those trends that i would not like to see go any farther. the point of bow hunting is to see how close you can get to the animal isn't it?????? sorry just my 2 cents:mad:

Thing is, most if not all hunters DO CARE if it is wise, unethical, practical or sheer irresponsibility. The real down side of posting something like that on Facebook is the thousands of uninitiated, uneducated anti-gun,anti-hunting idiots who will see the piece and lump all hunters into the same bag as old "Jim with my bowtech over my head".

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