Caribou Gear Tarp

ONE last Backpacking question....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
SO.. As everyone knows, I have worked on a Detail BAckpack list.. Then, I was Sent this List from "SOMEONE". they said something about them getting it from a Link :

Anyway... I was wondering if I should be Adding some of this stuff to my list ? Please reply, and ONLy serious answers please ;)

and may be eliminated using common sense

Thanx in advance !!!!


This is a checklist of individual equipment for backpacking winter wilderness we worked up last year. There are also some good tipstowardthe endon general survivalatitude.

This is an equipment list we recommended for each individual. Some items are duplicated when there are additional team members and may be eliminated using common sense.

* Backpack and gear bag(s) to contain all items.
* 3 Day's Rations (Dehydrated, high energy, lightweight soups, rice, canned meats, Ramen Noodles etc recommended (9,000 calorie minimum)
* Two Bic disposable lighters
* **4 x 8 foot tarp
* **folding or pack shovel (Not Coleman)
* **Individual First Aid Kit
* **Pack Saw(s) with blades for wood and bone, a hacksaw works well for bone and a small bow saw is great for cutting wood.
Hatchet(s) for wood cutting and butchering
* **Small cook pot w/lid or Sierra Cup
*Trail/Backpack Stove (wood burning preferred), Sterno Stove with fuel, Alcohol stove w/fuel, etc.
*Rain Poncho (Disposable OK)
*Sleeping Bag or Wool blanket bedroll
*Multi tool (Leatherman, Swiss Army, etc)
*Hunting Knives (Multi purpose field, Skinning bring 3)
*Rope or Heavy Twine (50 foot minimum)
*Personal Weapon and Ammunition
**Dry Clothes (Spare shirt, trousers, and socks plus an extra sweater and windbreaker or jacket)
*A 9 volt battery and very fine (0000) steel wool (for stating fires)
* **Dry Waterproof Strike Anywhere Matches in a Waterproof Container
*Multi frequency Radio (two way)
*Compass (GPS Is nice addition but the compass is a must have)
*Area Map
Field Glasses
*Pencil and Notebook
*Freeze proof Canteen or thermos (minimum 1 quart capacity)
*Duct Tape
* **Fishing net(emergency use only for catching small game/fish)
*Small bottle of 97% Rubbing Alcohol
Snow Shoes
Camera and Film or Disks and batteries
Paperback book
*Toilet Paper
Zip Lock Bags
*Plastic Garbage Bags (at least 2 black)
*Personal Medications
*Hunting license and tag
Foam or air mattress ground pad (for under sleeping bag or cot use)
Camp Shelter (Tent with an under tent ground cloth and rain fly)
**AM/FM radio/CD Player(w/earphone if to be taken on hunt)
*Signal Mirror
*3 Emergency 6 hour Candles
Sharpening stone and steel
Gun cleaning kit and oil
Fishing pole, reel, tackle, and bait
Personal folding chair
Sleeping cot
Personal Dining service and utensils
Personal Toiletries/Grooming equipment
Camp Table(s)
Propane/Butane cooking/heating stoves and fuel
Cooking Gear (Pots Pans Utensils)
**Chow (for camp contributions and recipes)
Sewing kit
*Eyeglass repair kit
*Denture repair kit
**Predator resistant containers
**Shovel, Axe, Chain Saw w/fuel/oil
*10% minimum Capison Pepper Spray for protection from bear
* Glucerna bars for diabetics
* Extra pairs of contact lenses
* Sun or Snow glasses
* Chemical activated hand warmers
**Space heaters for in tent use
* Emergency or space blankets
* Bore Snake
* Zip Ties
* Chemical light sticks
Pack Frame For packing out kill
* Spare batteries for lights, GPS, cameras, and radios

* Item is highly recommended to be taken on day hikes/hunt to serve as
survival gear during an emergency situation.
** Purpose or use is expanded
There is a lotta crap that can be left off that list. Sounds like someone who is real paranoid about being outdoors. Hell half the fun is wondering if you'll make it back.

Just think what you could do with a chainsaw and a couple of gallons of gas.

Come to think of it what would you do with a chainsaw and a couple of gallons of gas?

That list must be the RVer's guide to survival in the improved campgrounds when the power goes out.

Denture repair kit? :confused: :confused:

I'll be sure to pack pencil, paper and a cheesy paperback book on my next trip! You can count on that... :rolleyes: ;)
with a 70 something pound pack, I'd call lone wolf and order a summit XL (15 oz) or a summit (20 oz) stock for that rifle, they are pricy but getting a rifle down around 6# isn't a bad thing.
Man you idaho guys are pussies. Up here in Montana we go hunting in country twice as remote and 3x as steep wearing jeans and tennisshoes with nothing but a school backpack, contents a box juice, a biscuit, and a small block of cheese. This usually gets us by for 10 days or more. Why you need all that gear ?

Just kidding, but man your list seems long.

We do have a guy who is an elk hunting fanatic up here who was in the Pakistani army. He goes out for 6-7 days stretches with nothing but a blanket and small amounts of food. He says nothing could compare to what hes been thru.
ROCKY dog... NOTE that the Above list ISN'T (That's "IS NOT") my backpack list. Below is my 8 day Sheep hunting list.

Note: I don't have the cot or denture repair kit on it, but I think I'll survive ;)


Ah yes - I can remember going backpacking (at age 17) with jeans, wool gloves and shirt, a letterman jacket, a wool watch cap, a Sears Dacron bag, a grasshopper stove and a few packages of Lipton instant soup or DriLite beef stroganoff - in January at 11,000 feet with 5 or 6 feet of snow on the ground. It was 8 degrees at 7 PM. We used to do that several times a year. To be young, in great shape and stupid once again!
NOTE to Self.... Instead of Packing jsut 2 lighters... Please add Steel Wood and Batteries along with 3 different brands of Water proof match's.... ALSO, hike in a Chord of Fire wood ;)
You using TP or Wet Wipes. If ya was a real man, you'd use snow. ;) :D I'd swap a couple of them breakfasts with a packet or two of instant oatmeal. Sticks with ya, if ya know what I mean.

Great list Moosie

Originally posted by Calif. Hunter:
Ah yes - To be young, in great shape and stupid once again!

Too bad about losing the battle with Father Time and the Waistline, but take comfort in knowing you were able to hold on to the 3rd criteria... :D

Take a roll of black electrical tape.A little over the muzzel of your gun will keep crap from getting in it.
funter.. On a Serious note .. (Liek the above wasn't ;) ) I wrap the End of my Barrle (About 2" down about 8-10 times with Electrical tape. then, I cover the Tip and HAve in field, on hand replacement if I tshoot through it.

I did a teat at the range and the Tape doesn't effectthe shooting, Although If I have time, I take it off before pulling the trigger.

Rocky dog, Camo Undies is what I will be wearing ;) Thanx for the Well wishes :D

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