On the road to the middle of nowhere


New member
Sep 6, 2014

You know that road, that road to the middle of nowhere.
Well I was on that road hunting turkey. At the end of that road there is a road that turns off and goes farther. And that's where we STARTED to hunt.



We had a hunting area of around 200 square MILES a little more actually. And we were looking for maybe 10 ish turkeys.
Let me back up a little...
We tried a turkey hunt WAY out east, My boy had been hearing of some sporadic reports of turkey from his operatives. At 3:00 am we hit the road , the first 179 miles are paved so we made good time. After about 50 or so miles of gravel the roads start to play out and turn to dirt with grass down the middle, by now the sun was 'bout up. When your on BLM land the roads are all numbered single digit numbers mean fair roads and are mine routes, double digits less so and so on. We , by now where on roads with seven digit ... and a letter...
Yeah, kinda small and many that have not had tires on for some years.


By 7:00 we did our first turkey call. Nothing calling back.
After MANY calling sets it was 11:00 ish. Covered Many two wheel track roads and ridges .
Not even a turkey sighting, let alone a lonesome tom.



A fast bite to eat and coyote hunter kicked in .
You know me the coyote gear is SOP in your tucks.

After all this is where coyotes come to go on vacation.
The wind was picking up but we figured a 5 hour drive has to be hunted 100%.
A few set ups and we found one that HAD to produce.
This country is SO big two set of eyes are not always enough.

With the call between us and in to the wind we set facing opposite directions. Nine minutes in to the set The boys 12 gauge /223 went off. The shotgun barrel ...
I said to my self "NO FREEKING WAY" Right to my left lay a very dead coyote no more then 30 yards from ME.


I had not seen or herd a thing till the gun went off...
DANG I love it when coyotes die.
I guess I was just looking at stuff like this .

As long as coyotes die I'm a very happy man.
By now 4:00 it was time to find our way back to some kind of road and then to reality, civilization.
On the way out we tripped across a very big Badger. Poor Critter encountered an oz. and a half of coyote shot at 50 yards...


A very good turkey hunt.
Only way it could have been better was to have at least herd a tom maybe even bagged on but other then that a wonderful hunt. 600 miles and 15 hours but fun.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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