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OK need some advice


New member
May 9, 2001
I havent caught a stinkin fish yet but hey Im not worried.My question is this,do Salmon/steelhead smell human scent good??My brother doesnt use anything to cover up his human scent while fishing and I havent seen anyone else do it either and they still catch fish.Do I need to concern myself with my scent on the hooks and bait that Im using or not??Any help would be appreciated guys. :confused: :confused:
No I dont think they can... If they can it dont bother them......

You might be haveing a problem feeling the bite. sometimes while river fishing they tend to lightly hit the bait it might feel like a bump or rock on the bottom when in doubt setthe hook..

what type of lures are you guys throwing? egg sacS?

Thanks Del yeah we are just tossing Roe,egg sacks.
Were up on the Sammish River just past Mount Vernon if ya remember where thats at.We are fishing the low tides basically so we wade out and cast or toss the hook with no weight at all maybe 10-15 feet by the pilings thats the channel the Kings are using.
Oh yeah I remember that place.. I was thinking you are up the river a ways......

are you using the exact same set-up as your brother? or is he useing pencil wieght?
with no weight that bite is usually very light so I would set the hook on every twitch....

Sorry Del, I have to disagree. I think fish, at least steelhead, can scent foreign things and shy away from them. I grew up steelhead fishing, made my own roe and such. If you have something on your hands, especially some insect repellents or oils of some kind they turn off. It is not a huge problem but does happen. same thing with salmon. If your running the motor (kicker) you better clean your hands or mask the smell. Most of my friends use herring and they will take one and smash it up in their hands and rub them with it. I did the same with fish eggs when fishing steel head. I won't guarantee more fish but if your hands smell you won't catch as many. Just take some roe and rub it on your hands, or gloves if winter, and that should do it. Remember if you do that on your gloves in the winter don't leave them in a warm spot in the house or your wife will go ballistic. :D :D
Bill!That was what I was thinking as I was reading the posts...Great minds think alike. Kevin!!!! Maybe you should get your brother to bait your hooks...LOL.... :D :D :D