Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Officially a pit bull hater

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Mother's Day dinner was great. Took my mom to Ted's Montana Grill here in Bozeman. After walking with my Mom to her car, I cross Wilson to the street light in front of the Cannery, where I will cross Main to where I parked further south.

I look and three pit bull types are laying on the side walk next to the Cannery entrance. One big one and two smaller ones. No leashes, no owners, nothing. Hmmm. Three teenage girls scramble past these dogs, visibly uncomfortable at their presence.

I hit the button for the walk signal and turn to wave at my Mom. I see a guy coming up Willson from the north with his dog on a leash. I look at the pit bull types and I start thinking what the response will be if the guy and his dog come around this corner and those pit bulls are in a foul mood.

Well, I only had to wait about four seconds. As the guy's dog rounds the corner of the building, the three pit bulls are on him so fast, I can hard believe what has happened.

Major chaos, instantly. Dogs snarling, the owner yelling at the other dogs, young girls screaming, and me using choice language as always seems to happen when adrenaline kicks in.

The owner, a young athletic guy, drops the leash, jumps in and lays down on top of his dog, trying to get his the biggest pit bull to let go of his dogs neck. Without giving it any thought I do what instincts tell me.

I put a boot to the pitbull with the choke hold, thinking it will distract him. Nope.

Now the two other mongrels are in the pile and I am more worried about the guy protecting his dog, than anything. I take a step back, then two big steps forward and kick the female in the ribs to the point that she comes completely off the ground. She runs off. I did some punting in high school and the skill was now coming in handy.

I turn around and the biggest pit bull is not giving up. Now the other male is grabbing the attacked dog's chest, it being a spot not protected by his owner. I get about four yard run and kick that smaller male in the ribs as hard as I can. It knocks him against the building. He runs off.

The owner is trying to pry the biggest pit bull off his dog. I give the biggest one a kick, but not very square, as he moved as I swung. The owner is able to roll over on top of the biggest pit bull and somehow pry his dog free. It gives me opportunity to kick that biggest pit bull as hard as I have ever kicked anything in my life. The pit bull jumps back and growls at me. I give him a glancing boot to the face about the time the owners of these three pit bulls come outside from the Cannery after hearing the commotion, acting like everything is "cool."

I am trying to catch this biggest one, I would boot him to death, if I can. The owner of the attacked dog is trying to catch his dog that is now trying to hide. The crowd from outside dining at Ted's and the Baxter is now forming a pretty big audience. Traffic has come to a stop at Main and Wilson. Cars are stopped and people are coming over to assist.

The biggest dog jumps into the small notch that forms an entry towards the Cannery. I move toward him and the owner yells at me to leave his dog alone. I give him an ear full. The language is not very good and choice words I use are not what I hoped the young people watching would hear.

One couple has stopped in the middle of Main and has helped the guy get his dog (the attacked dog) and now the two smaller pit bulls are threatening that couple's dogs in the back of their pickup.

That lady is PO'd. She is calling the owners of these dogs every name you can think of. Her husband starts threatening an ass whoopin to the owners who are yelling back at her. She starts calling the police. The three guys grab their mutts and take off, but not before trying to convince the stuck onlookers as to what great dogs they have and how they wouldn't hurt anything.

A few people come and ask if I am OK. Hell, I'm fine, other than my right foot is throbbing. I am worried about the guy who dove in to that pile of canines to protect his dog. His dog is missing a lot of fur and bleeding from the chest. The owner has a huge knot on his forehead, some serious scratches, and some road rash. He grabs his dog, tells everyone he will be OK, states that he knows the guys who own the three pit bulls, and starts trotting back up Wilson, the way he had come.

I bet this only lasted two minutes, if that. You really don't have time to think about what you are going to do. You just do what instincts tell you.

All I had was a good pair of Ariat boots. Wish I had a bat or club, so I could have killed all three of those dogs. They are of no use to society and I suspect sooner or later, they will be involved in a similar event.

City sidewalks are hardly the place for unattended and unleashed pit bulls. The dog morgue would be a better location for them.

This happened just a little bit ago. The adrenaline rush still has me bouncing around. I can honestly say, I would have killed those three pit bulls, if I had something other than boots and fists. And when those smart ass owners told me to leave their dogs alone, it was all I could do not to start in on them.

Quite a Mother's Day afternoon in downtown Bozeman. I am sure those who stopped and those eating at the outdoor dining tables went home with plenty to talk about.

I had always been of the opinion that it is the dog's owner who is the problem, not the dog. I still hold that opinion for the most breeds. Seeing this unfold, completely unprovoked, I no longer hold that opinion of pit bulls.

From now on, I will be taking a different approach when I see pit bulls. If I see pit bulls, I am going to have my offense ready. I would suggest all of you do the same.

I am sure that if the attacked dog was a smaller dog, or without an owner ready to jump in and protect, there would have been a dead dog. Not sure how long it would have lasted, had I not been able to kick the crap out of the two smaller pit bulls. Given how hard it was for him to rescue his dog from the biggest one, I think he would have had his hands full with all three of them. I do admire the stones that guy had to jump in the way he did, to save his dog.

Makes me wonder what might have happened if it had been a little toddler that had set those three mutts into their rage. I am sure when the next event happens, and it will, the owners will claim what wonderful dogs they are.

I am now an official pit bull hater. Friggin idgits.
That is a horrible story...glad you were there to help. The bad part is that the dogs have to pay the price for generations of bad owners, bad breeders and bad sub-cultural (dog fighting) usage. There are now may breeds (Rotties, Dobies, Dalmatans, Malinois et al ) who have some very bad examples running around due to folks only worrying about making a buck :( Even worse for the pit bull-type dogs are incredibly athletic, strong dogs who can do big damage when it goes bad. I am one who is for extremely stiff penalties for folks harboring viscious dogs or in any way mistreating them in a manner that leads to attacks like this. Take all their dogs and lock them up with felony time.
I have a Rottweiler and he's the most gentle, loving dog in the world, besides my Great Dane. He was basically a rescue dog and is still a bit skittish about some things, but he is definitely a lover...lol I've had little kids over to my house, as well as friends, and even the installers for TV and phone and noone has a complaint about him. But, pit bulls, I will never trust, no matter what.
another great reason to have a 2 ounce can of Fox 5.3 in your pocket the vast majority of the time. It would have been enough for the three dogs and irresponsible owner.
I carry a Recon 1 -Cold Steel knife- 24/7.....perfect to slip between the ribs.I wouldn't hesitate if a human was being attacked,especially a kid.Is it my imagination or are pit bulls/lowlifes synonymous?
For all the pit owners who love to profess what great and gentle, loving dogs they are, I say BS. There is a good reason why England and several other European countries have banned the breed, but then they don't have as many people as we do who keep the dogs because they convey a Billie Badass image to the owners. If anyone wants to flame me for my views, give it your best shot; I've been flamed more than once on this topic and the opinion is the same, they are a dangerous breed.
I carry a Recon 1 -Cold Steel knife- 24/7.....perfect to slip between the ribs.I wouldn't hesitate if a human was being attacked,especially a kid.Is it my imagination or are pit bulls/lowlifes synonymous?

You are right on all counts. If I would have had a blade on me, I would have used it without any hesitation.

This is my second run in with pit bulls. Many years ago, some recluse deadbeat across the street had a pit bull. It was always making threatening gestures when I was in the front lawn or to anyone who walked by. He especially hated my wife, for reasons I cannot understand.

Wife and I were headed to dinner. We walked out to the car parked in front of the house. I opened the door and climbed in the driver's side. As I reached to grab my seat belt buckle, the pit bull jumped in the cab, growling at my wife sitting next to me.

I grabbed him by the lose skin around his neck, with one handful of skin in each hand, and held him as tight as I could against the windshield. I was at a loss of what to do. He was scratching the hell out of me with his claws, fighting to get free. I was not about to let go.

The owner came running over and grabbed the mutt and drug him back to their fenced yard. The owner apologized and said the dog is harmless, as always seems to be the case with pit bull owners. I told the owner I was not harmless and if his dog came in my yard again, his dog would be lifeless.

Needless to say, my wife's fear of pit bulls was amplified after that event. Fortunately, the neighbor got evicted a few months later.

Today was the final strike for these mutts. They only get two strikes, not three.
Hate to hear that it happened., but glad to hear everyone is ok. Very lucky that everyone including the attacked dog, is ok. Just heard on the news the other day about a 63 year old lady, while jogging, was attacked and killed by pit bulls.
I have no use for pit bulls and never trust them.
I would get the police involved so there would be a report of the incident, for future reference. The next time it happens everyone may not be so lucky.
I always carry a knife or pepper spray.
About 10 years ago I witnessed a pit bull kill a cat. The pit bull was sitting in its front yard when the neighbor's cat came arund the side of the house. The pit went from 0 to 60 in about 2 seconds. Grabed the cat by the neck and clamped on tight. I was in my back yard, which was fenced. By the timeI got around my fence and my next door neighbor's fence the cat was already dead. I have no use for pit bulls, and that is one reason I almost always have a quality knife on me.
Sorry your Mothers Day turned out like that Randy. But, good for you for helping out like you did. I hope those dogs have some sore ribs. I just don't get how the owners can not think things like this are a big deal. Like you said, God forbid the next time it's a child...
Yeah I got a story similar to yours, I was scared and I had my 6 year old boy with me at the time. the only weapon I had was a 4 inch jack knife but I had it out. the dogs didn't attack but had us pinned up against a fence, I eased away and when I got home I called the owner of the dogs and told him if he didn't get rid of the dogs I was going to kill them, he got rid of the dogs the next day. the dogs were rotwillers and in my book are not dogs to be around people.
One of my worst fears BigFin when i am walking the kids down the street. First up would be the dogs then the deadbeat owners who can't control their animals. Sounds like you did all you could.
Funny we were just talking about this the other day Randy. I haven't met a dog owner yet that hasn't told me "oh he won't hurt a thing" or the famous "he's just a puppy and doesn't know any better" All this while I'm defending myself with a weed eater in hand. The hair on the back of their necks on end and they are baring teeth.

I have no tolerance for any animal that could be dangerous. It could be a dog, cat, horse or bird or bear. If they show that much aggression they need to be gone in my opinion. We had a neighbor dog that had caused some problems and had been warned to watch it. My brother goes to feed the horses and notices they are all pinned in a corner of the corral with a dog trying to bite them. My bro runs to the truck grabs the pistol goes into the corral and the dog turns and runs towards him. Bang the dog is dead. Nothing was said to the owners and come evening to feed again the dog had been removed.

Another account happens up Dudley Cr. the Forest Service trail passes some houses and one has a mean Rottweiler. When the kid is coming back down the trail and here comes the Rotty baring teeth and trying to bite him. He pulls out the bear pistol and puts a bullet in it's head. He never said anything and just kept heading to the truck.

I'm not about to wait and see if the animal is going to bite or kill me. I'm going to try to kill it before it hurts me or someone else.

Good for you Randy for helping the guy out.
Good job Randy. I have twice nearly shot a pit bull while on duty. On one occasion the owner nearly got shot grabbing the dog as I was squeezing the trigger.
I have a Rottweiler and he's the most gentle, loving dog in the world, besides my Great Dane. He was basically a rescue dog and is still a bit skittish about some things, but he is definitely a lover...lol I've had little kids over to my house, as well as friends, and even the installers for TV and phone and noone has a complaint about him. But, pit bulls, I will never trust, no matter what.

my 6 yr old rott got bit on the nose by my brothers 6 lb tea cup yorkie rat when they met, Rott just stepped back and looked at him, walked away !! my rott,s been in the dog parks since he was 6 mo old, if a pit bull comes in, I leave,,, pit bulls are a weird breed that are not trustworthy, Sorry randy I am to old and slow to kick or knife a raging dog,,,, however I am still a great shot with my 9mm :)
Did no one get the license plate of the pit bulls owners? Why didn't you hold them there until the police came?

I carry a S&W or my Glock and if I had been there....well...3 dead pit bulls. I suggest you get a carry permit like the rest of us.
Glad nobody was seriously hurt and good for you for helping out! A neighborhood rottweiler used to escape a house and threaten a friend and I walking back from school when I was young (12?). We used to have to walk around a long ways to avoid it. I planned to feed it a hot dog full of rat poison, but then I never saw it again. Perhaps someone beat me to the point?
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