Off to knee surgery…

I do. What does it mean when you have all the offices saved in your cell phone and you have their personal numbers???
I do. What does it mean when you have all the offices saved in your cell phone and you have their personal numbers???
Means you are a long-term, repeat customer. Just like me :(

I'm still holding out hope for a squirt of stem cells, a slap on the back, and your good to go. Someday. Probably not in my alotment of somedays, however.
You'll do fine. The surgery has come along from my 1st back in the mid 80s of 10 , 5 scopings on each and full replacement on the left 7 years ago. 4 shoulder 2 on each.
It's all about rehab. They'll have you walking tomorrow. Figure 3 months 60% 6 till your felling 90-100%.
I went turkey hunting 6 weeks after my replacement. I sat in one spot but still got out there.
Three surgeries before TKR (last year), still has an “odd feel” about it and I get the wand now at the airports Which is either ok or a PIA depending on how the TSA agent looks 😏 but at the end of the day I trust it now and that was something I couldn’t really say for about the last five years!
Good luck to you Hamm!
Thank you everyone! The surgery was a “success.” Doc was able to repair the meniscus, and didn’t have to touch my ACL. He cleaned out a bunch of garbage too.

I’ll be on crutches and no weight for 4-6 weeks. I’ll learn more at post-op on Monday. Femoral nerve is pissed off, but I’m managing.
Well, finally tracked down my phone. Surgery was a “success.” They were able to save my meniscus and clean up the rest. They didn’t have to touch the ACl. ~6 weeks of crutches. Post Op appointment on Monday and start rehab. Thanks for all the support.
Well, finally tracked down my phone. Surgery was a “success.” They were able to save my meniscus and clean up the rest. They didn’t have to touch the ACl. ~6 weeks of crutches. Post Op appointment on Monday and start rehab. Thanks for all the support.
I was on crutches my senior year of college at Montana State after acl, mcl, and microfracture surgery. Those hills were fun on crutches. You got it man. Get well!!
Well, I’m off to knee surgery again tomorrow. I tore off a 4.4cm2 piece of meniscus in my right knee and it is now stuck in the crook (very sciency term) of my femur. I may also need a new ACL and other tuneups. I REALLY hope not. The last 2 years have been Dominated by surgery, and the degradation of my body.

I dream of getting back to being an athletic middle-aged adventurer with a slightly toned down adrenal gland.

I accept all forms of prayer, energy, thoughts, vibes, placebos, and any woo woo stuff. I hope this morning finds you healthy!
Spokane or Pullman?
Update… sorry I haven’t before. I started walking 2 days ago. My calf is filled with lactic acid, but damn am I stoked. I won’t be ready for heavy hiking this fall season, but I’ll be able to get out.

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