Yeti GOBOX Collection

NY Bear Hunting 2020

Bummer, been hearing that quite a bit, headed up next Wednesday... maybe I should bring the .22 do some squirrel hunting
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Bummer, been hearing that quite a bit, headed up next Wednesday... maybe I should bring the .22 do some squirrel hunting
I saw a whole lot of deer sign and jumped a couple of does. Might be worth stashing a trail camera or something if you live close enough as there were very establish game trails. The undergrowth was substantial which limited visibility to 50 yards at most. We heard 7 shots but they were pretty distant (miles). I was not able to find any bear sign where I was but I hadn't done any scouting so I was really playing the lottery. I will mention the trails were really heavily used by hikers. We had already planned to hunt far away from trails but we did use a trail to walk to our main camp and back out. We were getting looks from the NYC/NJ crowd and one guy told us he was going to call the DEC to report us hunting in a state owned wilderness area....I asked him to let me know what they said :).
I saw very little sign last weekend, hunted Sat, Sun and Mon. Heard 4 shots on Saturday morning but nothing close to where I was hunting, and I didn't see anyone else in the woods. Did see a cub Friday night when driving into the campground, that was the highlight of the weekend.
I’m headed up to 4W next weekend to see if I can shoot a bear. Do you guys have more success in the mornings or evenings during early season?

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