NRA Re-elects Wayne LaPierre

Right. Except that Lapierre is both the captain AND the iceberg. Any decent person who cared about the fight for gun rights would have resigned and taken the money and run. Took some balls to throw his hat in the ring again after all the bad publicity. Just another narcissist psychopath. Seems to be a prerequisite for American CEOs. Bill Gates being the exception.
Right. Except that Lapierre is both the captain AND the iceberg. Any decent person who cared about the fight for gun rights would have resigned and taken the money and run. Took some balls to throw his hat in the ring again after all the bad publicity. Just another narcissist psychopath. Seems to be a prerequisite for American CEOs. Bill Gates being the exception.
Bill gates the guy that had a mistress for years and is well known to talk down and mistreat people?
I hate that I have to keep my NRA membership to retain range access to only 1,000y range in the state. I have offered to join any other gun rights group and been told no. So now I am at bare minimum- and grumpy about even that.
Harris? I'm in a similar bind. I need membership to compete. My ranges make it optional or with a slight reduction in range membership dues. When I quite the games, I'll quite NRA
Do they even check if your membership is up to date? I doubt it.
I shoot Harris 2x a year, or try to. But not this year, unfortunately. Nice, though small, range.
They make you include a current membership card (photocopy) with each year’s renewal and will not process without. Great facility by MN standards. So I grin and bare it.
Right. Except that Lapierre is both the captain AND the iceberg. Any decent person who cared about the fight for gun rights would have resigned and taken the money and run. Took some balls to throw his hat in the ring again after all the bad publicity. Just another narcissist psychopath. Seems to be a prerequisite for American CEOs. Bill Gates being the exception.
The Bill Gates part was the funniest thing I've read in a while. He's a good guy, Billy boy. He went to epstein's Island a few times to, ah, inspire the youth.
For all of you disgruntled NRA members...don't forget the magazine subscription that comes with the membership.:ROFLMAO:

I've made my share of mistakes but dropping my NRA membership, maybe thirty years ago, seems prescient to me now.
The new "pro gun group" is composed of the millions of new gun owners from 2019 and 2020 who realized police couldn't/wouldn't be allowed to protect them, in addition to the former NRA/GOA, etc. folks. Lots of women, lots of minorities. NRA no longer relevant.
WLP wrote me an email offering exclusive membership in the esteemed exclusive NRA Golden Eagles! This superb honor will only cost me an additional $250/year. Wayne neglected to include the additional benefit this will provide him in the form of private jets, yachting, maybe a mansion in TX. Yet he couldn’t even say “sorry” after Uvalde. Like many here I too am compelled to be a member of this bullshit organization for range membership.
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