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Not just a girls dau out


New member
Sep 6, 2014

Just a few days ago My girls talked me in to taking them to "Capital" city for lunch and a day of shopping.
OK lunch sounded good.
We hit the interstate and headed south.
About 5 minutes in to the trip I started to rethink if lunch sounded "THAT" good.
The roads where Horrible!
Semis where jacked knifed on every hill the center ditch and shoulder was full of sideways cars and a tow truck on every curve. Really not a good day to be driving 90 miles in the Buick.
Once we made it to Siben flats the roads cleared and Helena had only an inch or two of snow...
We shopped and "lunched" the road back was much better , and only took an hour and a half to get home, not the two hour ten minutes to get there.
When we where gone the boy , we had his wife with us, took the Toyota CAR out calling...
Now I have taken several doubles by my self. And together we have had a few triples BUT NEVER A QUAD!
He went out and did 4 or 5 sets with nothing but some trash talkers but one set was very different.
He immediately had several coyotes start to come in from several hundred yards away and from every direction.
Normally that is a good thing, often the race is on to see who can get the prize first. But he said this time they all started some kind of "street" fight and where more interested in chasing off the others. It went on quite q wail and he was afraid they where all just going to give up and leave. He had " Kojo" in his pack and when they where distracted with the dance he got it out and got it about half set up right behind him . One of the coyotes saw this new deformed dog and thought it needed to have it's A$$ kicked too and came charging in.
Well when he broke off the attack with the others they all started to fallow him in.
The first one ran right up to the call , the little 17 hornet put it down and to his amazement the others did not falter and one at a time they came in . Bang , flop Bang, flop. Till he ran out of ammo in the clip. 4 yup 4 coyotes lay dead with in 20 feet of each other and the call...
A QUAD by him self, That's just crazy!!!
AND I'M ON A GIRLS DAY OUT, Now that's just crazy!
He had to make two trips packing them to the car and with out his "Skinning" pole he had to stuff them hole in to the trunk and bring them home to skin in his back yard, yuk.
I wish I had to do that !!!


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