PEAX Equipment

Norwood, Colorado


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011

My wife has interview at end of month for job in Norwood, CO..

Anyone from the area? I have been searching the job market and doesn't seem like a lot..

I'm in Land Management field..

Any ideas or general info on area would be greatly appreciated..

Thank you
It's a great little town for recreation, but not creature features. You're in the heart of elk and mule deer country with a lot of public lands and there's some awesome trout fishing in Lake Miramonte, as well as the river and streams. Montrose isn't too awful far away with all of the 'big city' stuff and more than likely work for you. You learn to make a running list on the whiteboard on the fridge for walmart stuff and what you can get away getting locally paying a little more for, then making a day going 'into town' and eating at a good place and seeing a movie and hitting walmart. You also learn to shop online a It becomes a lifestyle. If you have kids, the 4H is really active in Norwood, as well as the local rodeo. Telluride isn't all that far away if you're into yuppie hipster kind of stuff. My buddy where I always hunted elk lives south of Naturita and I thought about moving out there, but it made more sense for me to stay here for antelope and he could come out here to hunt them, then I could come out to his place and hunt elk, so we always had a place to hunt. Plus, I wasn't all that fond of property prices out that way. I still love going out there, though. I'll spend a couple weeks there a couple of times a year and we'll catch him up on butchering and I'll bring home a bunch of meat, and's like a mini vacation for it's a win win.
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Thanks for the info..
We are familiar with Pagosa Springs and Durango area..
I come out every Sept. to hunt.
Just little nervous on finding a job in my field, but I have a CDL license so I could always do some trucking till I find something.
My sister lives in Norwood. It's a great little town. But it is little. Most people are either in the construction trade or work in Telluride. Property prices are a bit high for rural Colorado but the access to hunting and fishing is pretty fantastic. I hunted there last fall and stayed at my sister's house. Had a warm bed, hot meal and never drove more than a half hour or 45 minutes to my starting spot each day. There is a NRCS office there. Or, alt least there was. It may or may not be open at this point. You'd have to check with the district office. There is a Forest Service office there as well. PM me if you have more detailed questions.

Thank you for all your info.. I will check in with those offices.. Thanks
Well, we dismissed heading to Norwood, Co..

Now we are looking at Montana.. My wife put in for job in Helena..

It seemed to us ( correct me if wrong) the housing market in Montana seems better than in Colorado... Seems like you can get more for your money there than Colorado..

We will see what happens..
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