Caribou Gear

North Dakota Turkey Results up


New member
Jul 9, 2012
North Phoenix Az.
Today they got posted. I got first choice. Looks like half the units are 100% . some left overs too. Will be My first hunt of any kind here. After 2 years I guess this is My new home state. Good luck to all . Hope You get Your first choice too........BOB!
Best of luck to you.

Found out the wife, three kids, and I all drew tags.

I can hardly wait.
Congrats!! Springtime thunder chickens are alot of fun to hunt here in ND! I'm going after mine with my Hoyt :)
These birds are tough to live thru winter up here. Can't wait . It's one of My fav. hunts. Had lots of honeyholes on Nat. Forrest land ( Public.) in AZ. Will be interesting up here. I just got My Eastern bird from last year in Penn. back from the Taxi. last week, My wife thinks it looks like a damn Vulture. (Her words.) Not as much color as My Rio or Merriams I got mounted. I told her ,no worry , this one aint gettin mounted.......BOB!
What area will you be hunting in Bone ? I am in Williston, and if I cant grab any leftover tags I think I will be heading to se Montana and grabing an otc tag. I am not real sure how leftover tags are obtained here, I think just by calling fish and game ??? If you will be hunting in McKenzie county I know where there are some birds and would love to get out with you and help call.
I got some home work to Myself. I got a 51 tag. Too bad I couldn't hunt north hill in Minot! I know of some but was denied access Above the river. One guy said check out Carpio area. Any one have any Ideas feel free to pm Me. I may not have much time if I convince My wife I'm going to mexico for My Goulds turkey. Buddies in Phoenix got it all set up an cheap too. Problem is rite now Montana is due ,Wyoming and AZelk draw in 2 weeks. Lotsa $ going out rite now. After 32 years think She whould be use to this. I will say She is never surprised.

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