NEW SITKA Ambient 75

No Wyoming grizzly hunt

Crank is correct on this. I agree with the Commissions decision. I don't think anyone has given up on the fight, either side for that matter. This is a marathon not a sprint. No sense putting hunters in legal jeopardy
Crank is correct on this. I agree with the Commissions decision. I don't think anyone has given up on the fight, either side for that matter. This is a marathon not a sprint. No sense putting hunters in legal jeopardy
Think about it Steve, why not if the hunter chooses to take the risk? There has to be a point at which states say enough is enough. Wyoming has followed the rules, sportsman have funded the recovery, and the bears are recovered. One judge shouldn't stand in the way of science based wildlife management.
Because its against the law. Like it or not they are still an ES. Fed jurisdiction supersedes the State on this one. Like it or not, agree with the decision or not, but in this case one judge can stand in the way of science based wildlife management. If a hunter wants to take the risk then go hunt one without a State issued license. The State should not be advocating and supporting a violation of the ESA. My take.
Wyoming Senator Barrasso is supposedly working on revamping the ESA. Knowing how much time Barrasso spends mugging for the cameras with McConnell, I doubt he'll get anything meaningful done in my lifetime.
I agree that its a frustrating process, enough to wear out even the most ardent supporters of the ESA. However, the States need to know their place and their legal standing within the law.

Laws like the ESA can not work if each state were allowed to pass laws and apply them like Wyoming is trying to do with this issue, just to circumvent the law.

It doesn't work that way with State Law cant pass regulations that weaken or defy Statute. We need order or its total chaos.

I also agree that Pat Crank got it right, Wyoming cant just do what it wants in this case...and the power tools in Cheyenne cant expect the WYGF commission to violate the law.
I agree that its a frustrating process, enough to wear out even the most ardent supporters of the ESA. However, the States need to know their place and their legal standing within the law.

Laws like the ESA can not work if each state were allowed to pass laws and apply them like Wyoming is trying to do with this issue, just to circumvent the law.

It doesn't work that way with State Law cant pass regulations that weaken or defy Statute. We need order or its total chaos.

I also agree that Pat Crank got it right, Wyoming cant just do what it wants in this case...and the power tools in Cheyenne cant expect the WYGF commission to violate the law.
Frustrating process does no justice to what's going on Buzz and you know that I am not a "kill 'em all" kind of guy, not even close, but talk to those who live in grizzly country. Have not states passed laws that supersede Federal law with no consequence? All it means for the time being is that Federal wildlife agents and G&F will continue to kill 50 or so problem bears every year and wildlife managers sit in the wings waiting for some misinformed judge who rules the law with meaningless, made up complaints that have no standing in science based management.

There definitely needs to be some kind of "revamping" with the ESA to prevent future follies like this from happening. And no, I am not really advocating for hunters to break federal law, but trying to make a much needed point.
Sure, states have passed laws to legalize marijuana as a perfect example of State laws superseding Federal laws. In fairness, I'm not real happy about that either for the same reason. I think States need to know their position on the field.

It also just wouldn't be the hunters being taken to court if the commission approved the season, it would be the State, Commission, Department and would be a total train wreck.

I think the revamping of the process is the more correct way to go about question everyone is frustrated by the current process.
Don't give the Griz lovers, (Yvon Chouinard - Patagonia Company ) any more ammo than their manipulative / deceptive hands can grab currently.
His / Their propaganda filled "Trophy Hunter" will lead Griz to extinction - B.S. leads to further Patagonia purchases by the naïve city (and environmental organization - supporters) folks. Chouinard openly declares the purchase value places money in organizations such as the Center of Biological Diversity and several others to counter State Wildlife Management and ESA intended purpose.

Cut through their garbage and injunction filled crap. Have to play the "legal" game. Sad... though THIS is where the fight is at.
Jeff, I am in total agreement that what is happening currently with grizzlies in WY, MT and ID is a total sh!t show and your point is well needed and a good one. I just don't think a G&F approved hunt is the right way to go. You are correct that States have passed laws that overstep Fed authority with no real consequences. That is largely due to the litigious crowd not really caring and most likely being in support of those State laws. A griz hunt would be different.

Revamping the ESA is spot on. This nonsense has to stop, legally.
playing nice with the antis is getting us nowhere. Time to go ahead and push the issue. Also time for hunters to take a long look at who they vote for.
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