No Masks....Would you?

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The Governor of SC has dropped mask requirements for public restaurants, and implied that it may extend further.

Do you feel comfortable going to a restaurant that is 'Mask Free" ?
Yes I would feel completely comfortable. Around where I live people only wear masks at the big box or grocery stores and most wouldn't wear them there if they didn't have to.
Yes, IF local case loads are low. If case loads are high, I would stay home regardless of mask mandate being in place or not. Has been my mode of operation all along because I think social distancing is more effective than mask wearing. It’s worked for us.

But ultimately, it’s up to you how much risk you are willing to accept.
Nope. Not yet. Indoor restaurants seem particularly problematic to me and I believe there's research to back that up. I've had the thought many times, that I wish alot of the stimulus money we've given to people with no loss of income could have been funneled to restaurants, to pay them to stay closed. The vaccine is making a big difference already, but we're nowhere near an end to this. I think these state decisions to loosen mask use, are going to cost lives. I don't like wearing masks either, but I can deal with the inconvenience to protect my neighbors and my family. Keep wearing masks in public, keep distancing, don't gather in large groups and get a vaccine as soon as you're eligible. That's the fastest way to stop this crap.
Yes. We have not had a mask requirement in Iowa except for a short period. The only time I wear a mask is if a business has a sign on their door that says please wear masks. I do not do it because of Covid, but out of respect for the owners and employees of that business. I am not happy when someone comes to my work and disrespects our rules so I try to respect theirs.
It never made sense to me in places that restaurants were open and allowing seating like Wisconsin you had to wear a mask to your table but then could take it off. You were still in an in closed area with other people. But perhaps the most perplexing rule during Covid was that a restaurant could not be open for inside dining in some states, but they could set up large tents in their parking lot to seat people.
It never made sense to me in places that restaurants were open and allowing seating like Wisconsin you had to wear a mask to your table but then could take it off. You were still in an in closed area with other people. But perhaps the most perplexing rule during Covid was that a restaurant could not be open for inside dining in some states, but they could set up large tents in their parking lot to seat people.
Yup its same here you can dine "outside" in a fully enclosed tent, makes sense right. Also how it is here now you are suppose to wear a mask anytime your walking to and from your table but not once you sit down at your table. Smh
Absolutely. My family and I have been going to restaurants since April of last year. Mask usage of the other patrons or the staff was never a factor in our decisions.
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