PEAX Equipment

NM, UT 2010 regs


Ouch! NM now wants $27 non-refundable per species to apply! That's a lot of dough for no points and slim odds.
Ouch! NM now wants $27 non-refundable per species to apply! That's a lot of dough for no points and slim odds.

wow, that sucks. No way I can afford sheep this year if it pay up front again. Just can't do it for the odds
I figured the up front fees would be coming in NM for all species after last year. Kind of fine with it since it will improve odds. Have to stash more in the hunting fund for fees this year. But $27 per species is kind of steep for no pts, getting like ID, WY, NV, AZ, UT. Everyone always complained about AZ, now they are cheaper than quite a few states. Thanks for update, Fish
I hope about 99% of applicants take your advice and boycot NM. I am in for $27 and will take the tag....
They keep pushing the application period start date back, reducing the number of folks that can use their hunting license for two application years.
I figured they'd do that so I applied on the last day last year so I can re-use mine this year. In 08 I applied early and was burned. Fool me once....shame on? uh, uh ain't goona fool me a again! - GWB

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