NM Sheep Allocation


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2012
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Can someone give me the bullets on NM sheep draw. The regs not not subject to 84/10/6 quota but I've seen other references that allocations will be determined when the draw is complete?

**The 2015 data shows the total quota for the unit, or unit group. The nonresident and guided tags cannot be determined until after the draw is complete.
If I'm understanding the draw process correctly, there will be "up to" 2 Rocky tags issued, one each to the guided pool and the unguided pool. For Desert Sheep, its looking like "up to" 3 with 2 going to the guided pool and 1 in the unguided pool.

I believe you can apply for both and either or, but its all in one hunt code. Then you have the choice of choosing 1 of 3 hunting units if you draw.

That's the way I understand it.

I wish you guys luck in the draw, but after applying for many years in New Mexico, its doubtful I will ever apply there again.

If and when New Mexico Residents get their chit together and put a stop to the outfitter and landowner welfare, I may apply again. Until it changes, they wont get another penny from me.

I have no problem with a straight 90/10 split, but when outfitters get 3 of the 5 NR sheep tags, that's just BS. Let NR's decide if they need an outfitter once they draw.
It is subject to the 84/10/6 quota. I can't remember when I did the math I think there will be 2 outfitter tags and 1 nonguided nonresident tag.

The whole thing seems screwed up on how they are going to assign hunt dates and units after the draw is finished.

I guess like the antelope tags where they assign you to a ranch after you draw the tag. You need to get lucky twice on antelope, the one time I drew a tag I ended up getting assigned to a crappy ranch that didn't have any antelope on it.
Two years ago the the courts reversed the Terk ruling so sheep are now subject to the 84/10/6 quota.

Units were grouped together for the draw (not the actual hunts) so there would be enough to guarantee that residents get the 84% minimum and still have enough tags to insure outfitters get some tags.

It's difficult to explain but you can pick 3 choices, and under each choice you get 3 sub-choices. The sub-choices are for the actual hunts, while the top choice corresponds to the draw with enough tags so outfitters can get their 10%. So you can have a total of 9 units chosen, but the way I understand it you first have to be one of the first numbers for one of your top 3 choices, then hope that at least one of your sub-choice have not been filled.
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If and when New Mexico Residents get their chit together and put a stop to the outfitter and landowner welfare, I may apply again. Until it changes, they wont get another penny from me.

I have no problem with a straight 90/10 split, but when outfitters get 3 of the 5 NR sheep tags, that's just BS. Let NR's decide if they need an outfitter once they draw.

That will not happen anytime soon. Last week a bill and memorial were introduced requiring a 100% increase in elk landowner tags. Fortunately the bill was pulled but the amended memorial is headed to the house floor with the amendment of just more tags instead of 100% more. A memorial is a suggestion to state agencies that they should consider a change in policy, in this case asking the G&F to consider adding more LO tags. This apparently has come about because of damage caused to some farmers from elk eating their crops.
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I agree, and why I'm done applying in NM.

The 2 hunts I did there were great, the NM residents were great, and I had fantastic hunts.

I expect NR opportunities to be hard to come by in NM, just like any other state, but the tag thievery by the LO and OF lobby leaves not much but crumbs.

Tough to justify putting in anymore, so I don't.