Caribou Gear Tarp

NM Game Commissioner Busted


New member
Jan 19, 2012
Steamboat Springs, Colorado
I'm sure many of you have been following this. If not, here is a link to an article that provides the best details I've yet to read. This does not bode well for New Mexico's sportsmen and women, to say the least. I've read the criminal complaints as well, though they provide less detail than what is captured in this article.

Such a disappointment.

Just an odd place. First it was their director, now this.

An old friend used to run NMWF. His take on NM and the political problems wildlife and hunters face makes me very glad I live in Montana.
The Director of Colorado DNR (Mike King) was recently cited for a trespassing violation from hunting season last fall.
They think that they are above the law and every-once-in-a-while a real game warden steps up and takes care of business. It does not bother me to see a rancher off the commission. I lived in NM for a number of years and saw the results of having a bunch of ranchers on the commission. They allotted themselves lots of elk licenses, while also being able to kill them at will due to their "laws". They need to stick to their cattle, or start looking at the big picture instead of just their own interests.
New Mexico's game management is problematic to say the least. I can only hope that the next appointments to the Game Commission come in the form of individuals whose interests are better aligned with proper game management and serving the needs of New Mexico's sportsmen and women (as well as integrity and the ability to abide by the most basic of hunting rules and regulations). Hopefully New Mexico will get it right this time and we can only pray that leadership of the fish and game is not turned over to anyone other than hunters and outdoorsmen who have no interests other than improving the overall quality of game management and hunting opportunity in the state.

Though I recently moved back to Colorado, I lived in New Mexico for the 10 past years and witnessed the steady decline in the quality of hunts throughout many regions of the state. Severe drought combined with poor management has hammered deer populations in every unit. That and the trophy quality of the elk in many units is a far cry from what it once was or should be. I find it hard to comprehend that there are so few officers in the field in New Mexico or that the number of deer licenses have not been slashed throughout the state. Though I love New Mexico dearly, incidents like these are clearly indicative of a need for drastic change.
