NM Bull Elk (Video)


New member
Jul 21, 2010
After unsuccessful draw results in EVERY state, I decided to look into non-resident vouchers. I got in touch with a great guy names Jeff Urban with SureWest Custom Hunts www.swcustomhunts.com. Jeff had a lot of options but what I wanted more than anything was access to rutting bulls.
After several conversations and weighing my options, I elected to hunt a large 8,000 acre ranch in western New Mexico. I was told that there wasn’t a ton of elk on the property but there were some great bulls that hold up in there when pressure on public kicks in.

I anxiously counted down the days until Sep 30 arrived and I was on my way to NM. I was greeted by Jeff’s associate Bart Hicks and after a morning tour of the property and access points I was left on my own to figure things out. I really liked the DIY approach they offer. It saves the hunter money and has the feel of doing it on your own—they essentially arrange access and give you area information.

I was up at 4:00 am on Sat Oct 1st and out calling. Not a sound was heard across the cedars. It was around 40 degrees and absolutely no wind. I hiked the west boundary of the property and called until around 10:00. I saw very little sign and didn’t see anything. That evening was similar.

Sunday morning I was out working an entirely different section; same results. The water tanks had few tracks and old cow/calf tracks on top of that. I was really frustrated. Three days and not an elk?

On my way out I glassed the entire property and noticed the glimmer of a little pond way lower in elevation than Id been hunting. I worked down to it and couldn’t believe the amount of fresh sign. Not only tracks but at least one good bull track! He’d been wallowing in there the night before.

I ripped back to camp excited about the evening. And then it rained. And rained. And poured until 5:00. When I finally dared peek my head out to check the status I expected puddles everywhere—nothing! The dry ground just sucked up the water so I grabbed my gear and hauled A to the tank.

I got set up by 5:30 and began calling lightly with the Hoochie Mama. After 10 minutes I heard a faint bugle—way off. I kept plying with it on and off and about 20 minutes later I caught movement on the ridge about 1,000 yards away. I was able to coax this bull in with virtually no cover. Even though I didn’t have a decoy, he kept trotting in.

At 80 yds, he had almost gotten around me, downwind. I finally let one rip. The first shot was a little high but the video is great and you can see the steam blast out of him as the 180 gr Scirocco waltzes through.

Not a monster but a great and ONLY elk I saw on the trip. I had about lost my mind. I cant fathom some guys hunting 2-3 weeks without seeing action. Elk are addictive!


Great video. That's some hard work calling, filming and shooting.
Great good on what sounded like a tough hunt! Congrats and hope you drove pretty close to him. Tough when you are by yourself...
Thanks guys! I try to video all of my hunts but its nice when they came right in!
Great bull, ADDDICT. I lived in NM for 10 years and never hunted in that area. Always hunted north in the Carson NF or south in the Gila. I've been looking at trying this type of hunt. I perused the website that you posted and it looked great. I could not find any dollar figures. I would want to hunt just as you did, show me where the boundaries are and leave me to myself. You mind giving a ballpark figure of what an arrangement like this costs? Thanks again for posting your adventure.
Sure thing--they had archery vouchers for $1500 and rifle/muzz vouchers starting around $2000. They really do cater to your expectations and price range really well. Just email Jeff and he can get you all the info you need.

[email protected]

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