Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Night fishing and the weather here In AZ


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
Its about that time of the year again when the monsoon season comes into full swing.. On the delmart site I put a link for the current radar... It updates automatically...

and dont forget if you get caught in one stay off the main lake duck into a cove and wait it out. While you think you can out run one (most times you can) you will get stuck in the middle.
its under the waterdog willy's link.
Thanks Del, now I will know when not to be on the lakes :D Good thing to have for all the fisherwoosies ;)
How do the monsoons affect the fishing for you?
That's a good warning...But I don't think we will have much to worry about losing any of our fisherwoosie boys.....They only talk about the lake and it's riches..but I think they get most of their information at the "round table".....LMAO.... :D :D :D
Elkhunter, in my opinion the fish bite much better before durning and right after the storm. The top water bite if fantastic after the storm. ALso tossing lizzards and worms where the rain is running off into the lake is great...

:D :D :D Bill. I think they are trying to ignore some of our insipiant bable...Well, we will just have to keep it up. I think this site will go dead if we arn't here to heckle and cajole them...LOL.....Keep up the good work... :D :D :D
I know...
Ceptin for the daily you post...This is the most enjoyable...Well!!I do like the lovely personal banter Buzz and I have going....LOL.... :D :D :D
What is woosie is standing back 100 yards from an elk with a big gun and shooting it. When you take a 7 foot rod and a treble hook out in the woods and haul in an elk and then beat it in the head with a club until it's dead, then you can call us woosies :D Fishing is dangerous, we stick our fingers in the fishy's mouths and they could bite us or stick us with their sharp poky fins. And by the way, why is it all the elk hunters I know always take a step ladder and vaseline with them when they hunt? :D
hey rawpygmy, a 7 ft pole with a treble hook, what kind of a challenge is that. Fisrt you all decide to go fishing, then you all take a month to decide to fish sometime in August. Then you cheat by using one of them there fish finders and then....yes make a post about all the fish you caught and never have a picture.
And what is wrong with a little Vaso on a hunt? :D :D :D
Poor naked shorty....Has no sence of reality...Fishing pole+hook+elk=Long drag thru the mountains at 25-30 miles an much injested bathwater again and he is in another dimension...Besides I like "vaso"....It works a lot better than trying to mate with one of those things with out any "lube"... :D :D :D
Only wishfull thinking on your part....HAHAHA!!!!
We were talking about nakedpygmy wanting to catch an elk with a fishing pole and taking a drag thru the mountains on a quick trip around the country....LMAO.... :D :D :D
I think this could be a great new sport. Wake boarding behind elk. Biggest elk gives best ride. Not sure they could get me up on plane though :D :D

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