New NYS gun rule voted down....


Active member
Oct 1, 2015
I received this message from my local New York State Senator today:

"Once again, the New York State Senate Republican Majority has stepped forward to protect YOUR Second Amendment rights.

This week, the so-called “safe storage” legislation, Senate Bill 2491, was defeated by the Senate Codes Committee – with all Republicans voting NO and all Democrats voting YES.

The misguided measure would have required you to keep your firearms in a locked box or put a trigger lock on your firearms at all times when not in use. Senator Liz Krueger, the New York City legislator who sponsored this legislation, argued that it is necessary for public safety and the protection of our children. How can we protect our children if our ability to defend our homes from criminals is rendered virtually useless!

I am also working to block the governor from slipping any SAFE Act funding into the new state budget.

You can be assured that I will continue to vigorously oppose any new legislation that attempts to further erode Second Amendment rights – rights that are the foundation of our freedom as Americans!


Jim Seward
Republican 51st. Senate District"

Thanks Jim! Another law that I don't have to disobey! :)
"In a locked box when not in use?" Well seems like my pistols are in use 24/7 protecting my home and family.
I agree! They're either on duty with that or on my person, performing the same duty.....